PHOTO - OBJECTS  Дольмены, Сейды / Dolmens, Sieds 25012012. Дольмен в Гал Масса / Dolmen at Gal Massa

Дольмен в Гал Масса / Dolmen at Gal Massa

Though the exact origin of these monumental stony structures was unearthed, the dolmen at Padavigampola is the only known example in Ceylon of structural work by Stone Age man. Stone edifices like dolmens and those at Stonehenge were once associated with the sun-worship and human sacrifices of the Celtics. Scholars are of opinion that they were chambers for the dead or (and) temples of a primitive cult. The dead were held in awe and worshipped, consequently they were housed magnificently in contrast with the living who were satisfied with caves and crude rock shelters.The tribal chieftain of Neolithic man, the probable author of dolmens and other megalithic structures, was buried in these chambers of stone, and earth heaped over the pile. There were also huge mounds of earth and rubble known as 'barrows' which contained stone 'boxes' within them. The origin of these monuments has not been discovered. Chains of dolmens exist, chiefly along the coast, from India to Egypt, from Asia Minor along the Mediterranean littoral (both African and European), up the Atlantic, across the North Sea in the Scandinavian countries, and, in special, Denmark by the Baltic, the source of amber supply. The dolmen at Padavigampola has only three sides. The door is nowhere to be seen. Each side is one solid block of gneiss roughly fashioned into rectangular shape.The left wall and the roof, which latter is an enormous slab, have cracked right across on account of a soft vein in the hard rock.