Святилище было обнаружено в 1926 году. Эта Taулla сохранились почти полностью нетронутой, но имеет повреждения в результате осыпания камней от времени и повышенного внимания посетителей. Но не смотря на это уникальный памятник хорошо сохранился,и предстаёт перед нами практически в первозданном виде. Таким образом мы можем зайти внутрь через оригинальный вход.

Сохранились шесть столпов , три из которых слева от входа образуют пилястр. Поддерживающие камени сохраннились почти в своём изначальном положении. первоначальной позиции одного камня фланговые левой, как мы смотрим от входа на территорию. Святилище имеет форму подковы и сориентировано на юго-юго-восток.


BELLA VENTURA. The monuments of this type where an archaeological excavation in due form and a good use of the 14C have allowed to approach us to their construction or "working" date are very few, this is without a doubt the reason for which there are two faced theories that fix their appearance: this one led by Ll. Plantalamor, Director of the Museu de Menorca, that locates it toward the final time of the Talayotic I (1500/1400-1000 B.C.) and the most extended, supported, among other, by M. Ferna'ndez-Miranda, which believes them more recent, of the Talayotic III (800-450 B.C.), date with which we are personally more agree and that we will use in this guide when we do not have better indications.

Although this taula not preserved intact, as its capital is falling stone and broken stone in front of the media, is a unique sanctuary is preserved because the threshold of entry into its original position. So, you enter the site through the original entrance, up a step. The sanctuary was discovered in 1926. In some old photos we can see that, when discovered, the entrance was bloqueda by debris.

Although the northwest sector of the enclosure is covered with debris and vegetation, the sanctuary in general is very well preserved. Six pillars are preserved, of which the third line from the entrance to the left makes the pilaster-taula functions, and the fifth column is exempt. The stone support, maintaining almost complete in its original position is a single stone flanking the left as we look from the entrance to the grounds. The sanctuary has horseshoe plant and faces the south-southeast. The facade is, unusually, rather convex. The sanctuary is generally rather small.

Towards the rear of the sanctuary, beyond a wall, you can glimpse large stones belonging to what must have been the town, but the vegetation is too thick to penetrate. However, beside the shrine is a pillared hall in ruins, but retains some of its roof.

Это часть памятника единственная сохранившаяся нетронутой. Внутри можно увидеть центральный камень Taula, и несколько частей, которые было когда-то были каменным шпилем, Справа, центральный памятник, на левой стороне, в кустах, пилястр. Вид на вход изнутри святилища.
The site of this taula is the only preserved intact. Inside you can see the stone taula holder, and several pieces of what was once the stone spire, on the floor, leaning against it. On the right, the central monument, on the left, in the bushes, the pilaster-taula. View of the entrance from inside the sanctuary. You can see more of the pilasters along the walls and at the entrance.


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