Rotate the one nonagon on 3* clockwise and the other one on 13 *. Thus, we divide the circumference by 10 * offset on 3 degrees from the North-South axis.

In such position it is clearly seen that azimuth 7 of the most important objects of system are located around Easter Island (EI) multiply to 10 *.

Four sites in this combination - EI, Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku and Uluru give system of western triangles, about which you can read in the article "TRIANGULATION OFANCIENT PART 1. SYSTEM OF TRIANGLES".

About many regularities linking AngkorTemple of Solomon, Uluru and Lhasa we told considering the combination of hexagram. Here we note that in the point of Uluru Angkor and Lhasa lie on the same line, which interacts with azimuth of EI according to hexagram. Solomon's Temple lies on one line with Sigiriya azimuth of which differs from the direction to Teotihuacan on 30 *.

In Angkor, respectively, Uluru and Lhasa are also situated on the same line which together with the direction to Tiwanaku divides half of the circumference in the ratio of nonagon 80/100 *. And in Lhasa, the direction to Tiwanaku is an axis of hexagram oriented to the cardinal points.

Also in Lhasa direction to the temple of Solomon is an axis of pentagram oriented to the cardinal points. Besides, in Lhasa line Angkor - Uluru - Lhasa interacts with azimuth of EI according to pentagram and with azimuth of Tiwanaku according to nonagon. The angle between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan also corresponds with pentagram and close to 72 * with a small error.

Azimuths of Tiwanaku and the temple of Solomon located in accordance with pentagram Uluru, among them are36 *.

Azimuths of Tiwanaku and Teotihuacan in the point of Uluru located according to the angles of octagon and divide half of circumference in the ratio of 67.5* / 112.5 *.

In Tiwanaku azimuths of EI and Teotihuacan lie in the ratio of pentagram between them are 72 * with a small error. Azimuths of Teotihuacan and Angkor are also located in the ratio of pentagram.

In Teotihuacan azimuths between Lhasa and Tiwanaku are 30 *, and between azimuths of EI and Uluru are 60 *. Azimuths of Angkor and Uluru located according to pentagram.

It is also interesting that the difference in the distance up to Uluru and Lhasa is exactly
60 *. Virtually all directions in this combination have also some close azimuths by value in other points of system. See. "Table azimuths."

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow rotate nonagon on 4.5 * counter-clockwise. In this position we get another combination in which azimuths of 5 objects are located multiply to 20 *.

About the fact that Easter Island, Nazca lines in the desert and the Great Pyramid (GP) lie on the same line, which itself has unique properties has been known for a long time. But about that EI, Nan Madol and Mecca also lie almost on the same line, is known a little.

Relatively to this line is symmetrical the line of GP-Nazca-EI and the direction to Kailash.

Direction to Kailash differs from azimuth of Nan Madol on 20 *, and from the direction to GP and Nazca it differs on 40 *. At that the distance from GP to Kailash is 5 times more than the distance to Nazca plateau, 18900 km / 3795km = 4.98.

It should also be noted that in the point of Kailash the direction to Nazca and Mecca differ on 36 * and correspond to pentagram. On Nazca plateau azimuths of GP, Nan Madol, EI and Mecca also are located according to nonagon multiply to 5 *.

It the point of Mecca line EI- Mecca -Nan Madol is the axis of pentagram oriented to the cardinal points. The angle between azimuths of GP and Kailash also corresponds to pentagram and is close to 72 *.

This same line - EI-Mecca-Nan Madol interacts in Mecca with azimuth of GP according to octagon.

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNext, turn nonagon on 4.5 * clockwise. In this position, we get azimuth of Stonehenge with the error 0.04* and azimuth of Mohenjo-Daro (MD) with the error 0.25*.

As we already know, these two objects give "triangles of Giza" around Great Pyramid. Here we see that the angle between azimuths of Stonehenge and MD is close to 40 *, the error is 0.29 *.

In Mohenjo-Daro angle between azimuths of EI and Stonehenge is equal to 40 *, with accuracy of + 0.22 *, i.e. is exactly the same as in given case.

Also, it should be noted that azimuth of MD, equal in this case - * 84.25 / 264.25 *, is similar to azimuth of EI in the point of Stonehenge - 264.82 * / 84.82 *. It should be said that azimuth close to the angle 84 * is quite common in other key points of system. For example, in Giza this is azimuth of line GP-Nazca-EI, which is equal to 264.78 */
84.78 *, and in Mecca, this is the direction to Nazca Lines - 264.19 * / 84.19 *.

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurning nonagon on 8.5 * clockwise, we get another very interesting combination of azimuths, which intersects with combination of hexagram with azimuths of Uluru and MD.

Since nonagon divides the circle by 20 *, it is easy to calculate that between azimuths of Uluru and St. Petersburg are 25 *. Respectively between azimuths of Uluru and Baalbek are 15 *.

15 *, as it is known, is the angle of hexagon, so if we impose on this image hexagram and combine it with azimuth of Uluru, we will find that azimuths of MD and Uluru are symmetrical relatively to the line EI-Baalbek. You can see it on the interactive map at the end of the page, including both hands simultaneously.

In the article "GEODESY OF MERIDIANS" we told about that Baalbek and Samaipata set with their meridians 5-degree division of equator beginning from meridian of Great Pyramid. Here we see that the angle between the directions is close to 20 *, the error is
0.5 *.

Distance from EI to Baalbek is 16660 km or 149.7 * in angular terms, i.e. is almost 150 *. This is exactly 3.5 times more than the distance from EI to Samaipata, which is 4757 km or 42.8 *.

In the point of Baalbek the angle between azimuths of Uluru and Samaipata corresponds to the angle of hexagram -30 *. Azimuths of EI and St. Petersburg divide half of the circle in the ratio of 80/100 *, i.e. according to nonagon.

In the point of Uluru the direction to Baalbek is the axis of hexagram oriented to the cardinal points. Also, according to hexagram, in the point of Uluru located azimuths of St. Petersburg and Sigiriya, which in this case lie on the same line. The angle between azimuths of Baalbek and Samaipata in Uluru also corresponds to the angle of nonagon- 40 *.

In the point of Samaipata the direction to Baalbek is also the axis of hexagram oriented to the cardinal points. Azimuths of Baalbek, EI and Uluru in the point of Samaipata also interact according to nonagon.

In the point of Sigiriya azimuths of Baalbek and Samaipata are located according to hexagram, between them are 60 *.
In general, it should be said that Sigiriya is an unique point in which most of the directions are located multiply to 5 * from the North-South axis.

Thus, all listed above laws fully justifies the creation by an unknown civilization of colossal statues as landmarks on Easter island.



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