It is written a lot about Stonehenge, as well as about the Egyptian pyramids. Therefore, we will not dwell in detail on the description of the object. Modern Stonehenge is almost a replica built in the middle of the last century. It is hoped that the location of monoliths has been determined correctly, and they are of interest for geodetic studies.

Around Stonehenge there are many ancient structures, which they continue to detect. We can say that the whole surrounding area is a single complex of different buildings, where Stonehenge is a key point. The same complex, for example, is a Nyugrandzh or Angkor.

Let's look at Stonehenge as a landmark, and its location relatively to other objects of the system of ancient monumental buildings (SDMS).

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruLet's start with hexagram, which during rotation gives some unique combinations.

Turning hexagon on 1.5 * counter-clockwise, we will obtain, with a small error, azimuth of Great Pyramid (GP), from which on 30 * is away azimuth of Great Zimbabwe (GZ), to which in its turn is perpendicular the direction to island of St. Vera.

In this combination three objects - GP, Stonehenge and GZ are the key points, which, together with Mohenjo-Daro (MD) form a subsystem - the "triangles of Giza." In this system the distance between the GP and Stonehenge, which is 3600 km or 32.35 * along the arc of globe, is the basic and gives the whole system of triangles. Exactly the same, with accuracy up to a hundred meters is the distance from Stonehenge to Baalbek. From GP to Mohenjo-Daro are 3610 km and the same distance is between the island of Faith and GP - 3612 km. See article "SOME FEATURES OF DISTANCES BETWEEN DETACHED HISTORICAL OBJECTS."

At that the distance from Stonehenge to the island of Faith is 36.1 * in angular terms, so Stonehenge and island of Faith divide their big circle in the ratio of pentagram.

In this combination also participates azimuth of Holy Mountain pyramid - Kailash, which differs from azimuth of GP on 45 * with the error-0.77 *. Respectively between azimuths of Kailash and island Vera are 15 * with the error of + 0.16 *.

Distance from Stonehenge to Kailash is 6932 km or 62.3 *. Therefore, the difference in the distances from Stonehenge to GP and Kailash is 3333 km or exactly 30 *. In the point of GP, as we remember, azimuths of Kailash and Stonehenge divide half of the circle in the ratio of 45/135 *, i.e. according to octagon.

In this position between the directions to GZ and Kailash are 74.61 * it is with the error -0.39 * - 75 degrees. Azimuth of Kailash in the given point is equal to 74 *, so we can say that azimuth of GZ is two azimuths of Kailash.

From the article "GEODESY OF MERIDIFNSG" we know that GZ lies on meridian of Great Pyramid and between them are 50 * in angular terms. The same is the angle between meridians of GP and Kailash, which lies on the meridian of Teotihuacan. See article "KAILASH AND SYSTEM OF PYRAMIDS".

Furthermore, in the point of GZ azimuth of Kailash, with a small error corresponds to 45 *, i.e. to the angle of octagon oriented to the cardinal points. Between azimuths of GP and Stonehenge in Great Zimbabwe are 20 *, with accuracy of half a degree.

But the most interesting thing is that in the point of Kailash the direction to Stonehenge also corresponds to the angle of 45 *, only to "the other side", i.e. - 315 * with the error of + 0.29 *.

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurn hexagram for another 1.5 *, i.e. in total on 3 * counter-clockwise. In this position we will get a combination in which 4 azimuth to major objects of system are located a multiply to 15 *.

Directions to Samaipata and Mecca are symmetrical relatively to azimuth of MD and the directions to MD and Samaipata are symmetrical relatively to azimuth of Uluru.

Between azimuths of Mecca and MD are 30.3 *, between MD and Samaipata are 29.45 *.

In this combination, as in the previous one 3 object - Stonehenge, Uluru and MD, are the most important points of triangles of Giza.

The angle between azimuths of Samaipata and Mecca in this case is 120 * with the error of + 0.25 *. At that the distance from Stonehenge to Mecca, exactly 2 times less than the distance to Samaipata 9757 km / 4882 = 1.998. The distance to Uluru is 15115 km, 3 times more than the distance to Mecca. 15115/4882 = 3.096.

Distances from Stonehenge to Uluru and MD in angular terms differ on 79 degrees it is just as much as from Stonehenge to Teotihuacan.

In the point of Samaipata azimuths of Stonehenge and MD are located according to pentagram, between them are 36 *. The angle between azimuths of Stonehenge and Mecca is close to 40 *.

In Mecca the direction to Uluru and Stonehenge are also located according to hexagram and divide the half of the circle in the ratio of 30/150 *. Directions to Stonehenge and MD are in the ratio of pentagram, as well as azimuths of Uluru and Samaipata.

In the point of Uluru azimuths of Stonehenge and Mecca also divide the circle according to hexagram. The angle between them is close to 30 *. In Mohenjo- Daro between azimuths of Stonehenge and Uluru are exactly10 *.

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn hexagram on 7.2 * counter-clockwise. Since in this position the direction to Vatican is diagonal of the square in which is inscribed hexagram, it is easy to determine that the angle between azimuths of Nan Madol and Vatican is close to 75 * (30 + 45 *). Accuracy is + 0.18 *.

Distance up to Nan Madol is 13305 km or 119.5 * along the arc of globe. This means that Stonehenge and Nan Madol lie relatively to each other also in the ratio of hexagram.

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurning hexagram on 8.7 * counter-clockwise, we will find that the angle between the directions to St. Petersburg and temple of Solomon in Jerusalem is close to 60 *. The error is -0.31*.

In this case, azimuth of Jerusalem divides half of the circle between north-south directions in the Golden Ratio. * 180 / 1.618 = 111.23 *.

Distance from Stonehenge to St. Petersburg is 2222 miles, or exactly 20 degrees in angular terms. From Stonehenge to the temple of Solomon are 3710 km or 33.3 * along the arc of globe, or 100 1/3 *. If we now divide 33.3 * on 20 *, we will see that these distances are also in the ratio close to the golden ratio. 3710/2222 = 1.67.

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurn hexagram on 12 * counter-clockwise. In this position, we will get accurate azimuth of Por Bajin and with accuracy of 0.15 * azimuth of Teotihuacan. The angle between these directions is 120 * with accuracy of + 0.17 *.

With a little more accuracy - 0.8 *, in this combination can be included the direction to Baalbek, azimuth of which almost coincides with azimuth of Teotihuacan and is equal to 107.2 *. Thus, Teotihuacan, Stonehenge, and Baalbek lie almost on the same line, the difference is - 0.65 *.

On 15 *, with accuracy of 0.1, from azimuth of Por Bajin is away azimuth of Ushtogaysky square, which is oriented to Stonehenge.

This combination is interesting because azimuths of shown object, as if combine three figures hexagram, pentagram and octagon, which, thanks to the values of angles transform one into another. At that the entire combination is tied to the North-South axis. Therefore, knowing where is the North imposing in a certain order figures one on another we can determine the directions to all the main sites of SDMS, without tools, using only ruler and compass.

Azimuth of Teotihuacan in Stonehenge is - 287.85 * it is the angle of pentagram - 288 *, oriented to the cardinal points. Therefore, turning hexagram on 12 * counter-clockwise we add to 60 * 12 * and get the angle of pentagram - 72 *.
Subtracting from 60 degrees 12 degrees, we obtain the azimuth Por Bajin - 48 *. Subtracting from 48 * 12 *, we again obtain the angle of pentagram - 36 *. Therefore, if we turn pentagram on 12 * clockwise, we again obtain azimuth of Por Bajin.

Azimuth of Ushtogaysky square (US) is 63.12 * differs from the azimuth of Por Bajin on 15 * and from azimuth of Teotihuacan on 45 *, i.e. on the angle octagon. Thus, 63 * it is 180 * - 45 * - 72 * = 63 *, i.e. from the direction to the South, it is necessary to subtract the angle of pentagram and octagon.

It is interesting that in the point of US azimuths of Stonehenge and Por Bajin are located according to the angle of nonagon - 40 *. In the point of Teotihuacan between azimuths of Stonehenge and US are about 30 *, at that the distance between US and Teotihuacan divides the circumference of globe according to pentagram. Between them are 108.2 * in angular terms. The same value - 108.3 * or 12056 km is from Teotihuacan to Por Bajin.

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn hexagram on 8 * clockwise. In this position with the errors of some hundredth azimuths of Nazca plateau and Vatican (Rome) coincide with the axes of hexagram.

Azimuth of Lhasa, which is almost the opposite to azimuth of Nazca, also lies on this axis with accuracy of + 0.32 *.

Thus, the given directions divide the circumference in the ratio of 60/120.

Note also that the distance from Stonehenge to Lhasa, it is about 5 distance to Vatican. (6794 km / 1498 miles = 5.1

 СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurning hexagram on 24.8 * clockwise, we will obtain the exact direction to Easter island (EI), from which on 15 * differs the direction to Angkor.

There is also an interesting moment in distances between these historical objects. The fact is that the difference between the distances from Stonehenge to EI and Angkor is equal to the distance from Stonehenge to Great Pyramid in Giza.

On Easter Island direction to Angkor, coincides with the azimuth of Solomon temple and is the axis of pentagram oriented to the cardinal points. But the most interesting is that in the point of Angkor the direction to Stonehenge is also the axis of pentagram oriented to the cardinal points.
Thus, in Stonehenge using hexagram we were able to determine the direction of almost all the key objects in the system.

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