About the origin of Teotihuacan it is known not very much. Previously it was believed that it was built byAztecs. But the city was abandoned before seven centuries till that how in the XV century Aztecs appeared there who gave the modern name to the complex. The true builders of the city remained uncertain. Today, for convenience, they areoften called - "teotiuakantsy."
According to ancient legends Teotihuacan was the place where the gods returned after the Great Flood in order to re-create the world. Therefore, according to ancient Indians Teotihuacan has antediluvian origin. "The city of Gods" or "The place where they become the gods" so they said about the ancient pyramid complex.

ТЕОТИУАКАН КАРТА СХЕМА This place has always considered as sacred and attracted people. It was here, according to legend, in the early times were born gods of the sun and the moon, and was launched the basic law of the world. Perhaps the part of the first inhabitants of the town came from the Olmec, in language of which Teotihuacan means "place where the gods touch the earth."

Unfortunately, today, the appearance of Teotiaukan largely is defined with representation of those who "restored" this ancient city, but the basic layout is saved.

ТЕОТИУАКАН МЕКСИКАНСКИЕ ПИРАМИДЫ ПИРАМИДА СОЛНЦАThe city is located around a central axis - the "Road of the Dead" and is divided into four huge quarters with public buildings, places of worship, markets, palaces and houses.
The whole area of Teotihuacan was paved with gypsum slabs. City buildings had floors of mica and stone, walls of the houses
were covered with stucco and painted with various scenes from myths and rituals or decorated with bas-reliefs.
By 200 BC. irrigation system acted in the town and the water of lakes spread over the branched network of canals.

Between 1 and 250 years BC. center of Teotihuacan was built completely, including Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, and the "Road of Dead." Initially the height of the pyramid was about 71 m. Now it is 64.5 m. The perimeter of the base is about 900 m. Pyramid of the Sun is the third one in the list of the largest pyramids in the world.

Pyramid of the Moon has height of 42-46 m. It is about half that of the Pyramid of the Sun. Pyramid is located on the earth embankment so that the height is almost the same as the pyramid of the Sun. It is believed that it was built before the pyramid of the Sun.

"The Road of Dead". The width of the street is 40m. Length is 2.3 km. In the article of Jim Alison, we told about the fact that "The Road of Dead" is oriented to Mohenjo-Daro. And this is true, in what we shall prevail very soon.

Generally, we can say that the whole complex of Teotihuacan is a single, huge landmark in which each building has its own definite purpose.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ГЕКСАГРАММА ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruAs it is well known, "The Road of Dead" (RD) relatively which is oriented the whole complex has azimuth 15.4 *
Orient hexagram along RD, i.e. turn on15.4 * clockwise and center it along the pyramid of the Sun. In this case we will choose the scale such, so that the circle in which hexagram is inscribed touched the boundary of Quetzalcoatl temple.

In this position, the vertical axis of hexagram, with the error of 0.06, will be direction to Mohenjo- Daro (MD), azimuth of which is equal to 45.46 *, in this case parallel to DM. "The Road of Dead" itself at such scale passes exactly halfway between two parallel lines of hexagram, and the side of the square in which it is inscribed is the side of Quetzalcoatl temple.

Then it turns out that the direction to Great Pyramid (GP) in Giza is away from the direction to Mohenjo-Daro on 30 *, with an error of 0.2 *, i.e. is another axis of hexagram, to which is perpendicular azimuth of Samaipata.

Line Teotihuacan - Samaipata, in its turn, practically coincides with the direction to another unique object - a megalithic park of Asuka in Japan. Megaliths are located on a
fairly large area, several kilometers long, and it is possible that some of them will have exact values of azimuth. The distance from Teotihuacan to park of Asuka is 11680 km or 105.1 * along the arc of globe.

As we already know, Teotihuacan and GP divide the line connecting them in the golden section. See article "LOCATION OF ANCIENT STRUCTURES IN THE GOLDEN SECTION"
Besides, GP, Teotihuacan and Samaipata give 5- and 10- degrees meridional division of the planet, in which GP meridian is zero meridian. See article "GEODESY OF MERIDIANS."

It is interesting that in the point of Samaipata azimuths of Teotihuacan and Mohenjo-Daro are located according to the angles of octagon.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ГЕКСАГРАММА ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn hexagram on 11 * clockwise. In this position we will get, with the error of 0.1 *, azimuth of Nan Madol to which is perpendicular the direction to Ushtogaysky square (US). The angle between the directions is equals 90.46 *, the error is +0.46 *.


Direction to Lalibela, divides the right angle between azimuths of US and Nan Madol in half, i.e. by 45 *.
The angles between the directions are:
Between Nan Madol and Lalibela - 44.8 *,
the error is 0.2. Between the directions to the US and Lalibela - 45.66 * the error is +0.66 *.


Also in this combination participates azimuth of Solomon's temple, which differs from azimuth of Lalibela on 14.8, i.e. with accuracy of 0.2 - 15 *.

Besides, in the point of Nan Madol angle between azimuth of Teotihuacan and the direction to Solomon’s temple. with a small error is 60 * i.e. also corresponds to hexagram.

Now a bit about distances. In the article "PENTAGRAM IN THE ARRANGEMENT OF SDMS KEY POINTS.P" we told about that Por Bajin is away from Teotiuakan on 12056 km or 108.3 * along the arc of globe. Therefore, Teotihuacan and Por Bajin divide their great circle in the ratio of pentagram. Almost the same distance - 12040 km or 108.2 * separates Ushtogaysky square from Teotihuacan. Thus, US and Teotihuacan divide the circumference of globe in the ratio of pentagram.

From Teotihuacan to Nan Madol are 11079 km, or 99.6 * along the arc of a circle, or
100 * with the error -0.4 *. Thus, Nan Madol, and Teotihuacan divide the circumference of globe multiply to 20 degrees, i.e. according to the angles of nonagon.

Teotihuacan and the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem separates 12490 km or 112.3 * along the arc of globe.
112.3 * it is with the error of 0.2 - 112.5 * or 5 times by 22.5*. Thus, the temple of Solomon and Teotihuacan divide the circumference of globe joining these points according to the angles of octagon.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ГЕКСАГРАММА ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurning hexagram on 9.6 * clockwise we will get the unique combination of 5 azimuths, the most mysterious structures on earth, which are distributed in Teotihuacan according to hexagram. And 4 objects, Angkor, Nazca lines, Stonehenge and Baalbek together with Tiwanaku in pairs lie on one line.

The image clearly shows that the line of Angkor - Teotihuacan - Nazca is a diagonal of the square in which is inscribed hexagram. Therefore, the angle between this line and the direction to Grand Zimbabwe (GZ), with a small error (0.5 *) is equal to 45 *. It means that this combination we shall see rotating octagon.

Also we see that Stonehenge and Baalbek lie together with Teotihuacan almost on one line. The angle between this line and azimuth of BZ is close to 60 *. In case of Stonehenge the angle is equal to 60.43 *the error is +0.43.
In case of Baalbek the angle is - 60.8 * the error is 0.8 *.

Accordingly between azimuths of Angkor and Stonehenge are 75.07 *, the error is 0.07*. Between azimuths of Angkor and Baalbek are 74.72 *, the error is -0.28*.

In the article "LOCATION OF ANCIENT STRUCTURES IN THE GOLDEN SECTION. PART 2 ", we told about the fact that Baalbek in the golden section is equidistant from Teotihuacan and Tiwanaku. Here we see another pattern connecting these points.

It is interesting that the distance from Teotihuacan to Angkor is 15567 km or exactly 140 * along the arc of globe. Thus, Teotihuacan and Angkor divide the circle connecting them according to nonagon, which divides the circle multiply to 20 *.

In the point of Angkor azimuths of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge lie in the ratio of pentagram, between them are 72 *, with the error of -0.47 *.

In Great Zimbabwe azimuth of Stonehenge is perpendicular to the direction on Nazca lines. And in the point of Baalbek between azimuths of Stonehenge and Nazca are 45 *.
On Nazca plateau, in the place, where the pictures are drawn, the angle between azimuths of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge corresponds to the angle of pentagram - 72 *. And between azimuths of Stonehenge and Baalbek are 22.5 *

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ГЕКСАГРАММА ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruAzimuth Lhasa in the point of Teotihuacan is equal to 348.73 * azimuth of Por Bajin is 349.24 *. Accordingly Lhasa and Por Bajin together with Teotihuacan lie almost on the same line. The discrepancy between the lines is 0.51. *

The angle between directions to Lhasa and Tiwanaku is close to 30 *, as it is easily to persuade turning hexagram approximately on 11.5 * counterclockwise.

The exact angles between azimuths are:
Between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Lhasa - 30.07 *, the error is 0.07.
Between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Por Bajin - 30.58 *, the error is +0.58 *.

It should be noted that azimuth of Tiwanaku, in the point of Teotihuacan is equal to 138.66 degrees and is equal to azimuth of Stonehenge - 138.62 in the point of Uluru. Therefore, if you stand on the pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan and look towards Tiwanaku, it would be like to stand on Uluru and look towards Stonehenge. See article "AZIMUTH OF HISTORICAL OBJECTS AND DISTANCES BETWEEN THEM." To value of Tiwanaku azimuth - 138.66 / 318.66 * are also close azimuth of lines Lalibela - Menorca (318.55 *), Vatican - Stonehenge (318.39 *) and Mecca - Vatican (318.02 *). See "Table of azimuths."

With the distances up to objects in this combination also occurs very interesting situation. The fact is that, as we said above, Por Bajin and Ushtogaysky square are equidistant from Teotihuacan in the ratio of pentagram, to 12056 km, or 108 *. Lhasa is removed from Teotihuacan on 14441 km, or 129.8 *, i.e. with the error of 0.2 * on 130 *. Approximately on the same distance - 14 387 km or 129.4 * from Teotihuacan is removed Kailash. Finally, Ushtogaysky square is removed from the Tiwanaku on 14444 km, or 129.8 *.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ГЕКСАГРАММА ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruConsider another unique combination which is formed with turning of hexagram on17 * counterclockwise.

First of all, we see that there are two points, along with Teotihuacan which are located on the same line. This is Easter island and megaliths on the island of St. Vera. The difference between azimuth of the line and the direction to Uluru is close to 60 *.

Between azimuths of Uluru and Easter island are 60.71 *, the error is +0.71 *.


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