Publications  The Sahara geoglyphs 16.12.2018. Part 11. Directions between symbols. Hexagram and pentagram.

The Sahara geoglyphs

Part 11. Directions between symbols. Hexagram and pentagram.

One of the characteristic principles of the mutual arrangement of SAMS objects is the correspondence of the directions between them to the angles of regular geometric shapes oriented to the cardinal points. For example, at the point of Uluru, the direction to Baalbek corresponds to the angle of the hexagram 120°, with an error of 0.07°.
направление на Баальбек
At the point of Stonehenge, the angles of the pentagram correspond to two directions at once, to Teotihuacan - 287.85 ° and to Uluru - 72.35 °, which are almost symmetrical about the north-south axis.

These are the directions corresponding to the pentagram angles: from Mecca to Nan Madol - 71.97°, from the Great Pyramid (GP) to Uluru - 108.23°, from Sigiriya to Uluru - 125.94° and to the Temple of Solomon 305.9°, from Teotihuacan to Nazca - 144.07° and Angkor - 324.24°. There are directions corresponding to the angles of octagon and nonagon. For example, the direction from Teotihuacan to GP has an azimuth of 45.25°, i.e. with an error of 0.25° corresponds to the angle of octagon.

направление между Азимутами Теотиуакана

It is known that the Avenue of the Dead in Teotihuacan is oriented in azimuth of 15.4°. At the same time, this is the exact direction to Mohenjo-Daro. Thus, in Teotihuacan, the angle between the orientation of the Avenue of the Dead, i.e. direction to Mohenjo-Daro and direction to the Great Pyramid, corresponds to the angle of hexagram 30°.

For more information about the regularities associated with the azimuths between the reference points of the SAMS, please turn to the website GeoLines.ru, section "Azimuths between key objects".

The first measurements of azimuths between individual symbols showed that the general principles of building SAMS also apply to the Sahara geoglyphs. Very often, the directions between adjacent symbols correspond to the angles of regular geometric shapes oriented to the cardinal points. Due to this circumstance, one can easily and accurately determine the direction to the north and other cardinal points.

In this part, we consider combinations when the directions between objects correspond to the hexagram angles. But first, a few words must be said about accuracy.
Since the distances between geoglyphs are very small, sometimes less than 100 meters, 0.01 ° on the ground will make several meters. 3-4 hundredth degree, which is already more than ten meters. These sizes are often comparable to that of the symbol itself.

But, as already mentioned, most geoglyphs have a clearly marked center - a point that is clearly visible even from space. Therefore, the azimuths between objects can be measured with very high accuracy. Only symbols with clearly defined reference points were taken into consideration.

In fact, at first the angles were measured approximately, and if a close correspondence to the correct angles was found, a geometrical figure built in a graphic editor was superimposed on the space image. Therefore, as before, the top is always north, and it is for you to judge whether the direction between the symbols corresponds to the right angles or not.
The image below shows two SK type symbols located 100 meters apart.

 геоглифы Сахары направление между символами SK 757 и SK 758
Direction S 2166 – SK 14493. Azimuth 67,5°
The azimuth of the direction from the center of symbol SK 757 to the center of symbol SK 757 corresponds to the hexagram angle of  30°, counted from the North - 0°.
 геоглифы символы
Geoglyph SK 294

The azimuth of the direction from the center of symbol SK 294 to the neighboring point - SK 294-2, also corresponds to the hexagram angle of 30°.
 геоглифы  Сахары
Geoglyphs S 3936 и S 3935

The direction between symbols S 3936 and S 3935 corresponds to the hexagram angles of 150°/330°.
направления между геоглифами Сахары
The azimuth of the direction between symbols S 9983 and S 3982 corresponds to the hexagram angles of 30°/210°.
The image below shows a group of symbols, in which SK symbols predominate, but there are also a pair of symbols of the “sputnik” type. In this case, the hexagram is centered on the symbol SR 14164. In the azimuth 120°, at a distance of 133 m from it, the center of another symbol is - SR 14161.

геоглиф Сахары
Geoglyph SR 14161-64, S 472

In the direction to the north (azimuth of 0°), there is a "sputnik" symbol  - S 472, through the center of which the hexagram line passes. In the next image, this combination is shown without marked points.

 геоглифы Сахары  направление между символами
Of course, these are not all combinations, with the direction between geoglyphs corresponding to the angles of a hexagram oriented to the cardinal points. Such cases are quite common.  We will consider some of them later, but for now we proceed to the directions between symbols corresponding to the pentagram angles.

The image below shows two circular geoglyphs with points in the center. The pentagram is centered on  SR 1120 symbol. The direction to the center of the SR 1119 symbol is shown by the red line, which has an azimuth of 36°. The accuracy of this direction is the diameter of a point.
геоглиф Сахары
Symbol SR 1120, in the direction close to 72°, is adjacent to one more point, which is also a part of this combination. The direction from this point to symbol SR 1119 corresponds to the hexagram angle of 30°, with very high accuracy.

The next image shows another similar combination. The pentagram is centered on  symbol S 12527. Along the azimuth of 108° from it there is another symbol - S 12528, next to which is the designated point - S 12528-1.
 геоглиф Сахары
The next pentagram is centered on symbol SR 12126 (19° 12'22.96 "n 7 ° 35'7.32" e). The scale of the pentagram is taken from the distance between symbols SR 12126 and S 12129. This direction corresponds to the angle of 72°.

The direction from SR 12126 to SR 12141 corresponds to the pentagram angle of 36°, and to symbol S 12127 - 108°. Thus, in this combination, 3 directions from symbol SR 12126 correspond to the pentagram angles. In addition, at this scale, several more objects lie on the lines of the pentagram.

By changing the scale of the pentagram, aligning its nodes with other objects, you can get different combinations of symbols. Perhaps this is how information is encoded.
геоглиф Сахары
The next image shows 4 SR type geoglyphs, which form two combinations.

The direction between points SR 8779 and SR 8780 exactly corresponds to the direction West-East (azimuth of 270°/90°).
направления между символами

Some more similar combinations are shown below.

геоглиф Сахары 11277
Direction S 11277 – S 11276. Azimuth 72°

Направление S 8519 – S 8517
Direction S 8519 -  S 8517. Azimuth 72°. Direction S 8519 -  SR 8520. Azimuth 108°.

Направление SR 9490 – SR 9488. Азимут 54°
Direction SR 9490 -  SR 9488. Azimuth 54°.

Направление S 9806 – S 9803. Азимут 54°
Direction S 9806 -  S 9803. Azimuth 54°.

геоглифы Сахары
Direction S 12644 -  S 12645. Azimuth 36°.

Направление SR 14497 – SR 14496. Азимут 36°
Direction SR 14497 - SR 14496. Azimuth 36°.

Направление S 6981 – SR 6987. Азимут 54° Направление SR 6987 – S 6956. Азимут 90°
Direction S 6981 - SR 6987. Azimuth 54°. Direction SR 6987 -  S 6956. Azimuth 90°.

Направление SR 12286 – S 12285 – S 12280. Азимут 36°
Direction SR 12286 - S 12285 - S 12280. Azimuth 36°.
As mentioned above, SK type symbols often have additional points inside the contour. The image below shows symbols SR 14495 and SK 2154. Symbol SK 2154, next to the "exit", has another center - SK 2154-1, the direction to which, from symbol SR 14495, has an azimuth of 72°. At the same time, the whole symbol SK 2154, is also oriented according to the pentagram angle of 126°.
символы Сахары SR 14495 и SK 2154

The combinations described above, in which the directions between individual symbols correspond to the pentagram angles, are only a small part of their total number. Measurements of azimuths, between well visible symbols, were made selectively, in the process of searching for new geoglyphs, and some of them were fixed.

The constancy and the number of positive results  allows us already now to say that for the Sahara geoglyphs, the correspondence of the directions between individual symbols to the angles of regular geometric figures, measured from the direction to the north, is the general principle.

In the next part, we will consider the correspondence of directions between objects to angles of an 8- and 9-gon.