Publications  The Sahara geoglyphs 16.12.2018. Part 2. Types of Geoglyphs.

The Sahara geoglyphs

Part 2. Types of Geoglyphs

As already mentioned, the simplest and most common form of geoglyphs is a circle in the form of a point. Such geoglyphs are found everywhere, and do not have a clear spatial reference. As a rule, a point is a small cone-shaped hill or circle, laid out of dark stones. Often in the center of the hill there is a depression in which white sand accumulates. As a result, another well-marked point is formed in the center, visible only from above. This fact once again suggests that geoglyphs are intended for observation from above.

The images below show some examples of the simplest points in the form of hills and circles. Such geoglyphs have the abbreviation SR (Symbol Round) before their number.
Геоглиф SR 2366
SR 2366 geoglyph.
In the center of the cone there is a clearly noticeable depression, which is filled with light-colored sand, and allows one to observe the object from a great height.

Ещё одно скопление точек
Another cluster of points.
Further, digressing from a point, the shape of the geoglyph becomes more complicated. One or several points may be located inside another circle or round, the whole area of which is also lined with stones. Sometimes a circle with a point is surrounded by another circle.

There are some typical examples below.

Два геоглифа – SR 600 и SR 601
Two geoglyphs SR 600 and SR 601 with a diameter of about 40 m, located 200 m from each other.

Note that the direction between the centers of the circles is the exact north-south direction.

Скопление из четырёх кругов
A cluster of 4 circles.

Ещё одно скопление геоглифов типа SR. Самый большой – SR 14161 – имеет диаметр 30 м
Another cluster of  SR-type geoglyphs. The largest one - SR 14161 has a diameter of 30 m.
The next image shows two large rounds superimposed on one another. The diameter of the larger one is about 70 meters, that of the smaller one is about 40 m. In the center of the large round there is a conical mound with a point in the middle. Such large rounds are much less common.

The starting point of the small circle, looking like a boomerang, is shifted to the line of its circumference. Perhaps this is a kind of adjustment. This is usually done when it is necessary to remove errors, i.e. bring together different parameters.
Геоглифы SR 2452 и SR 2453
SR 2452 и SR 2453 geoglyphs
The picture clearly shows that the southern part of the circle “overlaps” a part of the slope of a small plateau. This suggests that it was this particular point that was important. For any terrestrial purposes there are many other, more suitable sites around. It is only for navigation that the exact location of the landmark is crucial. We can see the same situation on the Nazca Plateau, when the lines, while maintaining their perfect straightness, ignore the relief. Thus, the navigation version perfectly explains why geoglyphs were created in such inconvenient places.

The images below show two other similar objects - SR 14396 and SR 14828, whose diameter is about 40 meters.

Close to these circles there are several more, smaller in diameter, as well as a pair of keyhole-type geoglyphs.

   Геоглиф SR 14396
SR 14396 geoglyph
Геоглиф SR 14828
SR 14828 geoglyph
Below another modification of circle is shown, with a semicircle of individual points, which, as a rule, are located on the east side. Such geoglyphs, both in form and in size, very much resemble the famous Stonehenge. Most likely, their functions are also similar. Though they are not composed of megaliths, but they also have a regular structure, laid out of stones. And there are hundreds of such rounds in the Sahara.
Геоглиф S 12941
S 12941 geoglyph

Geoglyphs of this type are subject to small metamorphoses, have different sizes, but in general they are similar. 

There are a few more typical examples below.
Геоглиф SR 12244
SR 12244 geoglyph
In this case, next to the characteristic circle is another point – a circle.
Геоглиф SR 13005
SR 13005 geoglyph

Геоглиф SR 10855
SR 10855 geoglyp
Символ SK 2023
SK 2023 geoglyph
Gradually changing, rounds and circles are approaching the shape of the keyhole, already familiar to us from the first part, consisting of two circles, a point and a direct corridor going from the edge to the center. Such symbols can be considered as transitional shapes, to which a separate part will be devoted. Below some typical examples are shown.
Геоглиф SК 3429
SК 3429 geoglyph
Геоглиф Сахары Геоглиф SК 2684
SК 2684 geoglyph
By clicking on the links you can see photos of some characters consisting of circles and dots.

In the next part, we will consider more closely SK-type, or “keyhole”-type symbols.