Historical objects  Geoglyphs 15.04.2013. Marree Man

Геоглиф «Marree Man» или «Stuart's Giant» (Великан Стюарта, Человек Марри)"Marree Man"

 "Marree Man" or "Stuart's Giant" geoglyph - biggest of known geoglyphs in the world. On this basis it was included in "Guinness Book of Records" as "The biggest man-made drawing of natives". Drawing is on Finnis Springs plateau, in 60 km to the west from Marree city in the central Australia. The geoglyph found from air on June 26, 1998, represents the hunting Australian native. Curiously that the author of the image "pro-plowing" in the soil of the desert абрис the four-kilometer native, and remains to unknown. Geoglyph found thanks to the anonymous fax which has come to edition of one of newspapers in which it was reported about location of drawing. In in this document it was reported that the geoglyph is named by Stewart in honor of the Scottish traveler John Makduall Stewart. The origin of giant Marri still remains a riddle, however the hypothesis is made that the image is created by natives of a tribe of Pityantyatyar. The artist from their environment, very precisely reported characteristic distinctive features of the native: pose, position of hands, chignon on the head.

 The drawing "Person Marri" has the sizes about 4 km in length and 2 km in width, and at the time of detection was well visible from space. Average width of the furrows forming drawing, is equal to ten meters. Pilots say that completely the image can be seen only from height from 3000 to 10000 meters. Now the image gradually disappears as the climate becomes zasushlevy, and plants providing contrast dry. And though in this district the soil has the same structure, as on a plateau of Nazca (under a dark blanket light cretaceous soil), founders of drawing made insufficiently deep furrow for long safety of a geoglyph.

But most that it indicates by the tool ancient Pacific Venice - Nan Madol the distance to which makes 4602 km or 41.4 degree of an arch of a circle is more interesting in this geoglyph. And if to carry out the line through the sacred mountain Uluru and Easter Island, it will pass precisely through foot of the hunter. In more detail about it it is possible to read in the article "ORIENTATIONS of HISTORICAL OBJECTS", in the section "ORIENTATIONS TO NAN MADOL".

 There is in this geoglyph one more very intnresny feature. The matter is that the distance from Easter Island to Person Marri and to Nan Madol almost equally, also makes 10532 and 10583 km respectively. Divergence in only 50 km, for such distances - very high precision. Thus Easter Island is formed with these two points by an equilateral trugolnik. Whether not too there are a lot of "casual" coincidence for three objects?