Africa: Pyramids ПИРАМИДЫ МЕРОЭ / Meroe Pyramids

PHOTO: ewkvienna 16°56'17.06"С 33°44'56.84"В

Греки их обожали. Египтяне и римляне им завидовали. Сейчас благодаря археологам сокровища этой сказочной цивилизации, которая, увы, исчезла навсегда, наконец "возродились" из песка, сохранив при этом свою тайну. К югу от Египта, на территории современного Судана, в пустыне находятся странные пирамиды. Путешественники обычно думают, что они являются творением умелых рук античных египтян. Однако это не так. Если повнимательнее присмотреться к этим сооружениям, то они ни по стилю, ни по фактуре не похожи на места захоронения фараонов, хотя и находятся рядом с Нилом. Пирамиды сооружены из песчаника и достигают высоты 15 метров. Они так же, как и египетские сооружения такого рода, являются усыпальницами. Но усыпальницами для придворных загадочного королевства Мерое.



Meroë (Meroitic: Medewi or Bedewi; Arabic: مرواه Meruwah) is the name of an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile about 6 km north-east of the Kabushiya station near Shendi, Sudan, approximately 200 km north-east of Khartoum. Ezana, or Aezianas, was the 4th century C.E. king of Axum in whose region Christianity was introduced to Ethiopia. He conquered the Nile valley realm of Kush (Meroe), and extended the frontiers of his kingdom to include, not only what is now Ethiopia, but also parts of Sudan and Somalia. Ezana ascended the throne some time between 320 and 324 C.E. According to the inscriptions which have come down from his reign, the kingdom extended to both sides of the Red Sea, and also included territory of both Asia and Africa. His capital was the city of Axum. As ruler, he extended Axym's boundaries, and he decorated his capital with buildings and monuments including obelisks. He introduced the title of "King of Kings" still used by the Ethiopian monarchy into the 1970s. 5 (Ofosu-Appiah, pg.63/64] Near the site are a group of villages called Bagrawiyah. This city was the capital of the Kingdom of Kush for several centuries. The Kushitic Kingdom of Meroë gave its name to the Island of Meroë, which was the modern region of Butana, a region bounded by the Nile (from the Atbarah River to Khartoum), the Atbarah, Ethiopia, and the Blue Nile. The city of Meroë was on the edge of Butana and there were two other Meroitic cities in Butana, Musawwarat es-Sufra, and Naqa. The site of the city of Meroë is marked by more than two hundred pyramids in three groups, of which many are in ruins. They are identified as Nubian pyramids because of their distinctive size and proportions.

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