Russia: Megalits ШИРА / Shira

PHOTO: Dmitry Antipov 54°29'59.37"С 90° 6'53.68"В

Природа Хакасии уникальна, ее ландшафты разнообразны. Здесь и бескрайняя степь и величественные горы, спокойное течение равнинных рек и бурные потоки горных. Однако главной достопримечательностью Хакасии, являются курганы и менгиры— одиноко стоящие в степи; длинные, высокие камни, которые привлекают своей загадочностью и таинственностью, вызывая недоумение и необъяснимые позывы первобытного поклонения. Всем этим каменным стелам много тысяч лет.



Shira region is called the gem of Khakasia come and make sure of that. Travelling through the republic of Khakasia will be pleasant even to a petted by foreign exotic traveller. Here you can pick most beautiful alpine flowers and sunbathe lying on local beaches. It is a land of contrasts: taiga and steppe, mountains and rough rivers with crystal clear water, lakes and caves. During a trip the landscapes change from dry steppe to forests and submontane and there begins taiga behind the mountain pass. From the archaeological point of view, our territory is one of the richest objects in whole Eurasia. Only few people can boast of being in place of the oldest Siberian settlement of ancient people or visiting ancient astronomical observatory in open air, which are about 16 thousand years old. This is only one observatory in Russia that is situated under the open sky. People call it Siberian Stonehenge or Siberian Pyramids. Accompanied with a guide you will be allowed to see petroglyphs and the strongholds walls that were built more than 2 thousand years ago. The common feature of ancient monuments is a plenty of rock paintings relevant to almost every age starting with neolith. These paintings reproduce the way of life, work, hunting, battles and war actions.