Indian ocean: Temples, Palaces Тхупарамая / Thuparamaya

PHOTO: Priyanjan 8°21'19.27"С 80°23'47.26"В

Тхера Махинда представил буддизм Тхеравада и почитание четий на Шри-Ланку. По его просьбе король Деванампиятисса построил Тхупарамаю, в которой хранится ключичная кость Будды. Считается, что именно эта дагаба стала самым первым монументом на Шри-Ланке. Название Тхупарамая происходит от слияния слов «ступа» и «арамая», обитель монахов.



Thera Mahinda himself introduced Theravada Buddhism and also chetiya worship to Sri Lanka. At his request King Devanampiyatissa built Thuparamaya in which was enshrined the collarbone of the Buddha and is considered as the first dagaba built in Sri Lanka, after the introduction of Buddhism. This is considered the earliest monument of chronicled Sri Lanka. The name Thuparamaya comes from "stupa" and "aramaya" which is a residential complex for monks. This chetiya was built in the shape of a heap of paddy. This dagaba was destroyed from time to time. During the reign of King Agbo II it was completely destroyed and the King restored it. What we have today is the construction of the dagaba, done in 1862 AD. As it is today, after several renovations, in the course of the centuries, the monument has a diameter of 59 ft (18 m), at the base. The dome is 11 feet 4 inches (3.45 m) in height from the ground, 164½ ft (50.1 m) in diameter. The compound is paved with granite and there are 2 rows of stone pillars round the dagaba. During the early period vatadage was built round the dagaba.