North America: Terra incognita КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ ДЖУЛЬСРУДА / Acambaro figures

PHOTO: ЛАИ 20° 1'46.35"С 100°42'18.29"З

В июле 1944 года Вольдемар Джульсруд, совершая конную прогулку по склонам холма Эль Торо, обнаружил уникальные статуэтки неизвестной культуры (всего около 35 тысяч статуэток возрастом от 2 до 5 тысяч лет). В коллекции Джульсруда было множество антропоморфных статуэток, почти полный набор расовых типов - монголоидов, африканоидов, кавказоидов (в том числе с бородами), полинезийский тип и проч. Примерно 2 600 статуэток представляли собой изображения динозавров! Среди них есть легко узнаваемые и хорошо известные палеонтологической науке виды: брахиозавр, игуанодон, тиранозавр рекс, птеранодон, анкилозавр, плезиозавр и многие другие. Но самое поразительное то, что коллекция содержит значительное число изображений человека вместе с динозаврами разных видов. Холм Эль-Торо всё ещё хранит свои тайны. Внутри будто бы скрывается подземный город некой древней цивилизации. Однако, проводить исследования пока никто не торопиться.



The Acámbaro Figures are several thousand small ceramic figurines allegedly found in July 1944 in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico by Waldemar Julsrud. The figurines are said by some to resemble dinosaurs and are sometimes cited as anachronisms. Some young-earth creationists have adduced the existence of figurines as credible evidence for the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans, in an attempt to cast doubt on scientific dating methods and potentially offer support for a literal interpretation of the Bible. However, there is no reliable evidence for the validity of the Acambaro figures as actual ancient artifacts; they are accepted by no credible scholar of archaeology or paleontology, and the motives of many who support them are questionable. The Acámbaro Figures were uncovered by a German immigrant and hardware merchant named Waldemar Julsrud. According to Dennis Swift, a young-earth creationist and major proponent of the figures, Julsrud stumbled upon the figures while riding his horse and hired a local farmer to dig up the remaining figures, paying him for each figure he brought back. Eventually, the farmer and his assistants brought him over 32,000 figures which included representations of everything from the supposed dinosaurs to peoples from all over the world including Egyptians, Sumerians, and “bearded Caucasians.” The figures attracted little attention from scholars and scientists, and when Julsrud began to assert that they were accurate representations of dinosaurs created by an ancient society, he only alienated himself further from serious scientific investigation. Tabloids and popular media sources covered the story however, and the figures steadily became somewhat famous.




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