Europe: Barrows, Ziggurats ДЕВИЧИЙ ЗАМОК / Maiden Castle

Maiden Castle Б.jpg
PHOTO: davidp99 50°41'41.35"С 2°28'6.25"З

В древности многие племена, в том числе и кельты, часто использовали холмы для проведения всевозможных религиозных ритуалов. Чаще всего объектом их поклонения было Солнце, и холм являл собой идеальное место, откуда можно было наблюдать за восходом и заходом солнца. Впечатление от этого зрелища еще более усиливалось, если окружающие земли вокруг холма представляли собой плоскую равнину. Maiden Castle - один из крупнейших британских холмов на территории современного графства Дорсет. Около 45 г. н.э. II Августов легион римской армии под командованием будущего императора Веспасиана штурмовал это укрепление. Об ожесточенном характере боевых действий свидетельствуют изувеченные останки британских воинов.



The largest, and most spectacular, hill fort in Britain is at Maiden Castle in Dorset. This site was in use thousands of years before the Celts arrived, however during the Iron age it became a major Celtic hill fort. The image shown here is from the English Heritage sign at the entrance to the hill fort and this identifies the site as having been in use from around 3800 BC. Maiden Castle covers an area of approximately 47 acres and truly has to be seen to be properly appreciated. Its name is believed to derive from the Celtic "Mai Dun" which means "Big Hill" and is more than appropriate. Occupied as an iron age settlement and hill fort from around 600BC, Maiden Castle grew to be one of the more significant Celtic sites in Britain. The layout of the fort gave the occupants an excellent defensive position, while allowing them to command the surrounding areas. As can be seen from the satellite photos of the region, this is a major earthenwork site. The glory years for Maiden Castle are belived to have run from about 300BC until the arrival of the Romans in AD 43. Remains found at the site indicate it was home to a lively trading and farming community although exact estimates of the population are difficult. Given the size and location of Maiden Castle, it seems probable that it was home to the local chieftain. The arrival of the Romans, under Vespasian, and their deadly efficient war machine spelt the end of the Durotriges tribe who occupied Maiden Castle in AD 43. After a bloody seige the Romans were victorious and the Celts were either sent back to Rome, taken as slaves or displaced to Durnovaria - modern day Dorchester.

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