Africa: Temples, Palaces Храм Амона / Тemple of Amun

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PHOTO: luciano cosmo 18°32'11.70"С 31°49'42.32"В

Джебель-Баркал (древнеегипет. - «Священная скала») — скала, высотой в 98 метров в извилине Нила в северной части Судана, носившей в древности имя Нубии. Обозначает местонахождение Напаты — столицы древнего государства Куш. С тех времён на Джебель-Баркале сохранились руины великого храма Амона (построен преимущественно при Пианхи), ещё 12 храмов и трёх нубийских дворцов. Систематическое исследование Джебель-Баркала началось в 1916 г. под руководством Дж. Э. Рейснера. В 2003 г. древности Джебель-Баркала были внесены ЮНЕСКО в число памятников Всемирного наследия.




These five archaeological sites, stretching over more than 60 km in the Nile valley, are testimony to the Napatan (900 to 270 BC) and Meroitic (270 BC to 350 AD) cultures, of the second kingdom of Kush. Tombs, with and without pyramids, temples, living complexes and palaces, are to be found on the site. Since Antiquity, the hill of Gebel Barkal has been strongly associated with religious traditions and folklore. The largest temples are still considered by the local people as sacred places. The ruins around Gebel Barkal include at least 13 temples and 3 palaces, that were for the first described by European explorers in the 1820s, although only in 1916 were archeological excavations started by George Reisner under a joint expedition of Harvard University and the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston. From the 1970’s, explorations continued by a team from the University of Rome La Sapienza, under the direction of Sergio Donadoni, that was joined by another team from the Boston Museum, in the 1980’s, under the direction of Timothy Kendall. The larger temples, such that of Amun, are even today considered sacred to the local population.