Atlantic ocean: Barrows, Ziggurats Ла-Хуг-Би / La Hougue Bie

PHOTO: mrcampbell 49°12'1.29"С 2° 3'50.06"З

Ла-Хуг-Би представляет собой коридорную гробницу с коридором длиной 20 метров, над которой возвышается курган высотой 12 метров. Памятник был сооружён в эпоху неолита около 3500 года до н.э. Хотя многие из коридорных гробниц продолжали использовать и в позднем неолите. Это одна из лучше всего сохранившихся и наиболее крупных коридорных гробниц в Западной Европе. Термин "коридорная гробница" обманчив - скорее всего, это были церемониальные сооружения, храмы, а захоронения в них не были их основным назначением. Благодаря раскопкам и восстановлению оригинального входа было установлено, что в дни весеннего и осеннего равноденствий солнце просвечивало насквозь через два окна камеры.



The site consists of a 20 metre long passage chamber covered by a 12 metre high earth mound. The site was first excavated in 1925 by the Société Jersiaise. Fragments of twenty vase supports were found along with the scattered remains of at least eight individuals. Gravegoods, mostly pottery was also present. At some time in the past, the site had evidently been entered and ransacked. On top of the mound were built two Medieval chapels. The Channel Islands, have five passage graves with side chambers. La Hougue Bie is a Neolithic ritual site which was in use around 3500 BC. In Western Europe, it is one of the largest and best preserved passage graves. Although they are termed "passage graves", they were ceremonial sites, whose function was more similar to churches or cathedrals, where burials were incidental. Since the excavations and restoration of the original entrance of the passage observations from inside the tomb at sunrise on the spring and autumn equinox have revealed that the orientation of the passage allows the sun's rays to shine through to the chamber entering the back recess of the terminal cell. Although many passage graves showed evidence of continued activity into the Late Neolithic period, La Hougue Bie was abandoned before that time.

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