Indian ocean: Temples, Palaces МЕНДУТ / Mendut

PHOTO: Buyung Akram 7°36'17.24"Ю 110°13'48.13"В

Индонезия в целом заселена с древнейших времен. Ява среди других островов ранее других отличалась более высоким уровнем развития. Матарам — средневековое государство, существовавшее на территории современной Индонезии в 732—1043 годах, в центральной и восточной части острова Ява. Государство Матарам было основано феодалом — шиваитом Санджайей. В середине VIII века к власти в стране пришла буддийская династия Шайлендров. Середина и 2-я половина VIII века было временем расцвета храмового строительства. Раннее проникновение индуизма и буддизма, связи с Индией, оказали на культуру Явы большое влияние. Здесь до сих пор сохраняется много индуистских храмов. Среди археологических находок самыми древними являются мегалиты, много бронзовых изделий, орудий и украшений.



Mendut is a ninth century Buddhist temple, located in Mendut village, Mungkid sub-district, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The temple located about three kilometres east from Borobudur. Mendut, Borobudur and Pawon, all of which are Buddhist temples, are located in one straight line. There is a mutual religious relationship between the three temples, although the exact ritual process is unknown. Built around early ninth century AD, Mendut is the oldest among the three temple together with Pawon and Borobudur. According to Karang Tengah inscription, the temple was built and finished during the reign of King Indra of Sailendra dynasty. The inscription dated 824 AD mentioned that King Indra of Sailendra has built a sacred building named Venuvana which means "bamboo forest". A Dutch archaeologist JG de Casparis has connected the temple mentioned in Karang Tengah inscription with Mendut temple. In 1836 it was discovered as a ruins covered with bushes. The restoration of this temple was started at 1897 and it was finished at 1925. Until now the top of the roof part is still unfinished yet, because some of its original stones are lost. Some archaeologist who had conducted research on this temple such as JG de Casparis, Theodoor van Erp, and Arisatya Yogaswara.