Asia: Petroglyphs, Frescos "Алтын-Эмель" / ALTYN-EMEL

Petroglyphs of ALTYN-EMEL B.jpg
PHOTO: 43°57'49.28"С 79° 7'26.99"В

Петроглифы как вид изобразительного искусства возникли на территории Казахстана еще в глубокой древности и сохранились вплоть до наших дней. Большое количество памятников наскального искусства, открытых в последние годы, раскрывают своеобразие художественных культурных традиций древних племен. Испокон веков на территории "Алтын-Эмель" жили люди. Наскальная живопись древних встречаются на всей территории Национального парка. Особенно их много в урочище Теректысай. Наскальные рисунки отображают сцены охоты, диких и домашних животных, ритуалы, а также солнцеликие божества. Древние художники изобразили на скалах диких козлов - теков и архаров, которые и сейчас обитают здесь, а также маралов и даже сайгаков, уже не встречающихся на территории парка.



Petroglyphs, as a type of fine art, have appeared on the territory of Kazakhstan since ancient times and have been preserved until present. The many monuments of petroglyphic art that have been discovered during recent years demonstrate the peculiarities of artistic traditions of ancient tribes. The most famous centers of petroglyphic fine art of Kazakhstan are located in Semirechie ( Seven Rivers - name of the place in Kazakhstan). Although the history of studying similar monuments is more than one hundred years, very little was known about them until recently. There are currently, fifty discovered monuments in Semirechie, where one can find paintings of petroglyphic art. The most famous Petroglyphs are in the natural boundary Tamgaly, in the valley of the river Koksu, among the Sholak, Kyndyktas, Anrakhai, and Bayan Zhurek mountains. Along with these outstanding sanctuaries, which include several thousand petroglyphic paintings, there are also small groups of with several hundreds or tens of painting Petroglyphs on canyon walls, hills, and burial ground stones. As a rule, there are other archeological monuments: settlings, burial grounds, sacrificial altars, or cult constructions located next to these Petroglyphs, which make it possible to conduct complex research and give additional information about Petroglyphs. The discovery of connections between different types of monuments gives the opportunity to consider them as a one entire system. This, in turn, considerably widens the understanding of ancient art of Semirechie.

Геоглифы Сахары