Europe: Megalits Уэст-Кеннетский пассаж / West Kennet Avenue

West Kennet Avenue.jpg
PHOTO: Phil Selby 51°25'20.22"С 1°50'51.77"З

Кеннетский (или Уэст-Кеннетский) пассаж, — археологический памятник в английском графстве Уилтшир. Представляет собой пассаж из двух параллельных рядов камней шириной 25 метров и длиной 2,5 км. Пролегал между неолитическими памятниками — Эйвбери и Уилтширским святилищем. Аналогичная дорога, известная как Бекхэмптонский пассаж (Beckhampton Avenue), ведёт на запад от Эйвбери к Бекхэмптонскому длинному кургану. В ходе раскопок, которые в 1930х гг. провели Стюарт Пигготт и Александр Кейлер, установлено, что пассаж изначально состоял из 100 пар вертикальных камней (менгиров), и что он датируется около 2200 г. до н.э., судя по находкам захоронений с колоколовидными кубками под некоторыми из камней. Многие из менгиров впоследствии были повалены или вовсе отсутствуют. Кейлер и Пиггот восстановили некоторые из поваленных камней, как сделала и Мод Каннингтон, ранее проводившая раскопки в тех же местах. Позднее часть камней повредили вандалы, обрызгав их красной краской.



The West Kennet Avenue connects the south entrance of the Avebury Henge to the Sanctuary one and a half miles away on Overton Hill. The avenue was the last component of the Henge to be constructed at around 2400 BC. It is believed to have consisted of about 100 pairs of stones spaced at intervals of 80 feet and is approximately 50 feet wide. A long, winding avenue, composed of parallel rows of standing stones, stretching the the southern end of the henge at Avebury to The Sanctuary on Overton Hill, over 1.5 miles away. The avenue seems to form some kind of a processional way, used for ritual observances. Quite what those observances are is anyone's guess. The size of the stones varies quite markedly, from a high of 3.3 metres down to 1.6 metres. The rows are on average about 15 metres apart, and stones in each row are spaced at about 20 metres. One theory suggests that the stones were alternating symbols for male and female, with larger, more uprght stones representing males, and shorter, diamond-shaped stones representing females. That would suggest some sort of fertility aspect to the Avenue, but there is no solid evidence to prove this hypothesis. A burial was found beneath one of the stones, and other possible burial sites in close proximity. Near the Overton Hill end of the Avenue is an earthwork bank, which runs in a line for 320 metres. Though perhaps of medieval origin, this bank has been suggested as a being contemporary with the Avenue. Some investigators suggest that a cove, or semi-circular enclosure, once stood within the Avenue, but this suggestion is not universally accepted. A similar avenue of stones, dubbed the Beckhampton Avenue, once ran from the western side of Avebury, though most of this avenue has been lost.