Atlantic ocean: Petroglyphs, Frescos ПЕТРОГЛИФЫ КАРИБА / Carib petroglyphs

PHOTO: Dennis Little's 18°19'27.83"С 64°44'38.38"З

Острова, известные в наши дни как Сент-Китс и Невис, были заселены индейцами из Южной Америки задолго до нового тысячелетия. Для европейцев их открыл Колумб в 1493 году. Это интересный исторический участок - как показывают петроглифы индейцев-кариба, которых много на окрестных скалах, люди поселились здесь задолго до новой эры и уже к Х веку имели достаточно развитую и самобытную цивилизацию.



The Kalinago were drawn to Pearls by its rich soil, fishing, and natural resources. They arrived with agriculture and pottery skills. Honeychurch described their close connection to the earth and its subsequent effect on their worldview. The Kaninago religion was based on the seasons and their cyclical patterns. Winter and summer equinox were carefully tracked, as were rainfall levels, because the wet and dry seasons were critical for life. The dry season was considered the men's domain, because their skills of hunting and gathering were in demand at this time. This was represented in pottery and other art by the bat, a creature which was more prevalent during the dry months and bore more male characteristics (aggressive, restless, migratory). Conversely, the wet season was regarded as 'feminine' in nature, a fertile time for growing crops and maintaining stability. The frog was identified with these qualities and thus figures prominently in petroglyphs and pottery designs.