North America: Pyramids ИШИМЧЕ / Iximche

PHOTO: Edinilson De Leòn 14°41'57.10"С 91° 5'53.91"З

Ишимче был столицей какчикелей майя. В его архитектуре чётко прослеживается влияние городов-государств мексиканцев: плоские вершины низких башен, стадионы для игры в мяч, отделка фасадов зданий и т.п. Ишимче расположен на возвышенности и окружён впадинами глубиной 9 футов.



The city was founded around 1463 in a flat area and relatively high as was the custom of the buildings of the Maya and their descendants. The original settlers, the Cakchiquel, had rivalry with the Quiche. With the Spanish conquest Iximché became the last capital of the Cakchiquel Maya and the first Spanish capital. The civic and ceremonial center is relatively young. It was founded around 1463 in a flat area and relatively high, following the custom of the buildings of the Maya. The name is composed of two parts, Ixim, which means corn, and Chee, tree. Referring to a specific tree commonly called "Ramon" (Brossimium alicastrum).