North America: Rocky villages БАНДЕЛЬЕР / Bandelier

PHOTO: lummerzheim 35°46'56.48"С 106°16'25.98"З

Бандельер — национальный памятник США, включающий руины древних пуэбло. Находится вблизи города Лос-Аламос в штате Нью-Мексико. Назван в честь антрополога А. Бандельера, который вложил значительный вклад в изучение истории данного региона. Основной достопримечательностью Бандельера является каньон Фрихолес, где находятся руины нескольких зданий древних пуэбло (анасази), кивы (церемониальные сооружения) и наскальные рисунки. Жилища либо сооружены из камня на каменных площадках в скалах, либо представляют собой расширенные и обустроенные пещеры.



Human presence in the area has been dated to over 10,000 years before present. Permanent settlements by ancestors of the Pueblo peoples have been dated to 1150 Common Era; these settlers had moved closer to the Rio Grande by 1550. The distribution of basalt and obsidian artifacts from the area, along with other traded goods, rock markings, and construction techniques, indicate that its inhabitants were part of a regional trade network that included Mexico. Spanish settlers arrived in the 1700s. The Pueblo Jose Montoya brought Adolph Bandelier to visit the area in 1880; Bandelier, looking over the cliff dwellings, announced "It is the grandest thing I ever saw." Woodrow Wilson signed the legislation creating the monument in 1916, and infrastructure, including a lodge, was built during the 1920s and 1930s. The monument was closed to the public for several years during World War II, since the lodge was being used to house personnel working on the Manhattan Project.