Fort Samaipata is an unique archaeological place in Bolivia, it is a huge rock protruding from the ground. All the rock is dissected with various geometric shapes, lines, niches and other obscure elements. The greatest interest calls two parallel troughs, hollowed out on the top, which are called El Cascabel.

The appointment of this object is not known. It uniquely is attributed to the pre-Columbian era and is considered as a religious place.
The fact that Samaipata is the object of UNESCO, tells about the construction importance.

It has truly great value. As a critical point of system Samaipata together with Baalbek it divides 10 degrees sectors between the meridians of Tiwanaku, Great Pyramid (GP) and Uluru in half and thus gives 5-degree’s division from meridian of GP.
Samaipata gives such division together with Tiwanaku in the western hemisphere, and Baalbek, together with GP in the east one. See article "Geodesy of meridians."

Here we see that if to orientate hexagram along the cardinal points then we will obtain the direction to Baalbek with the error -0.79, which is obviously connected with Samaipata.

Moreover, the distance from Samaipata to Baalbek is 12025 km or 108.1 degrees along the arc of globe. This means that the Great Circle line passing through these two points, they divide in the ratio of pentagram. See article "Pentagram in location of key points of SDMS."

САМАЙПАТА. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ меридиан широта ориентацияLet’s begin to rotate hexagram counterclockwise. Turning hexagon on 9.6 degrees we find that the direction to Angkor and Great Zimbabwe which with the error 0.7 together with Mecca lie on one line are perpendicular to azimuth of Por Bajin.

Right angle between these objects divides the azimuth of Nan Madol in the ratio 60/30.

The angles between azimuths are:

G.Zimbabve - Por Bajin - 90.21 degrees (+0.21)
GZimbabve - Nan Madol - 30.62 degrees (+0.62)
Angkor - Por Bajin - 89.51 degrees (-0.49)
Angkor - Nan Madol - 29.92 degrees (-0.08)

It is interesting that in this combination Por Bajin, as well as Baalbek in the previous one located towards to Samaipata in the ratio of pentagram. Distance from Samaipata to Por Bajin is 16041 km or 144.2 degrees along the arc of Great circle.

САМАЙПАТА. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ меридиан широта ориентацияHaving turned hexagram on 11.4 degrees we obtain azimuth of Tiwanaku with precision of 0.02 to which, with the error -0.25 azimuth of Uluru is perpendicular .

САМАЙПАТА. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ меридиан широта ориентацияThen turn hexagram on 13.8 degrees counter-clockwise. In such position it can be clearly seen that azimuths of Teotihuacan and Vatican are also perpendicular. Accuracy is + 0.3.

Azimuth of Nazca lines differs from azimuth of Teotihuacan on 30 degrees with an accuracy of + 0.06.

САМАЙПАТА. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ меридиан широта ориентацияNow turn hexagram on 2 degrees clockwise. In this position we find that St. Petersburg and Great Pyramid which lie on the same meridian between which are 30 degrees along the latitude in the point of Samaipata have the difference between azimuths also on 30 degrees with an accuracy of + 0.76.

Besides, St. Petersburg, as well as Baalbek with Por Bajin divides a circle passing through St. Petersburg and Samaipata in the proportion of pentagram.

Distance from St. Petersburg to Samaipata is exactly 12000 miles, and it is 107.8 degrees along the arc of globe.

Thus, Samaipata is equidistant from Baalbek, to which it is oriented along pentagram and from St. Petersburg. Distances are 12025 and 12000 km, respectively.

But it is not all. Distance from Samaipata to the North Pole is 12012 miles, or exactly 108 degrees and this is another pentagram.

It turns out a very interesting situation, all the rules of which is easier to list.

Between the meridians of Tiwanaku and Samaipata is 540 km or 4.9 degrees along the arc of globe.
Directly between Tiwanaku and Samaipata is 546 km or 4.9 degrees along the arc of globe.
Samaipata is oriented towards Tiwanaku on the pentagram.
Tiwanaku is equidistant from Great Pyramid and the North Pole.
Samaipata is equidistant from Baalbek, the North Pole and St. Petersburg in the proportion of the pentagram.
Line Tiwanaku - St. Petersburg is the middle line of an equilateral triangle and is perpendicular to the meridian of Great Pyramid (GP).
Between St. Petersburg and GP are 30 degrees along meridian of GP.
Between St. Petersburg and GP are 30 degrees along meridian of GP.
In the point of Samaipata between azimuths of GP and St. Petersburg are 30 degrees.
Between meridians of the GP and Baalbek is 564 km or 5.07 degrees along the arc of globe.


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