Historical objects  Terra incognita 12.09.2020. Sin-Kamen of the Plesheyevo lake.

Sin-Kamen of the Plesheyevo lake.

Синь-камень Sin-Kamen is one of the unique archaeological and historical monuments of ancient Russia, which is associated with many legends. The place where the stone is located is considered sacred and sacred.

A huge boulder of glacial origin lies near the Alexander mountain. It is popularly called "Blue-stone", although the color is rather gray.

According to legend, this stone was first located on the top of the hill. Pagan laymen, or perhaps other tribes before them, worshipped him by offering sacrifices. Almost to the end of the XVI century the local population he was revered as a sacred stone. Then, by order of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, the stone was buried. In the pit, he lay for about 200 years, until he again appeared before the inhabitants, attracting even more fans.

In 1788, they wanted to use the stone to build the Foundation of a new Church. But during transportation on the ice of Pleshcheyev lake, the stone fell under the water. And after 70 years, it gradually began to appear out of the water. And now he's lying on the beach again.

Old-timers say that incredible things happen next to this stone: not only objects disappear, but also people; suddenly, out of nowhere, when the weather is clear, fireballs appear flying through the air; as a rule, the Internet does not work, mobile phones are quickly discharged.


Pleshcheyevo lake appeared at the end of the ice age, about 30 thousand years ago, when the retreat of continental glaciers began in Europe: the melting of ice and snow filled a shallow karst basin with water.

The stone is huge and weighs about 12 tons. Not so long ago, it was taller than a man, and now it is slowly sinking into the ground. In fact, the dark blue color of the stone surface appears only after rain. And the rest of the time, the color is the same as most stones – gray.

Both in pagan times and in the period of established Orthodoxy, people still deified the stone and worshipped it. Perhaps this is due to the towering nearby Yarilina mountain, which later became known as Alexandrova: idols have stood on it since ancient times and pagan rites were held.

Many stories, legends and legends are connected with the miracle stone.
In the XVII century, the description of the life of the monk Irinarch of Rostov of the Borisoglebsky monastery indicated that the priests, having decided to permanently remove the pagan fetish from the eyes of people, ordered deacon Onufriy to bury the stone. Which he did. And suddenly the clerk became very ill. The monk was cured of fever only when he buried a boulder-this is the version. Be that as it may, but the Blue stone still lies on the surface: either the monk contributed to this, or the boulder itself after a while got out of prison.

100 years after these events, they wanted to put a stone in the Foundation of the Church under construction. With difficulty, they were loaded onto a sledge cart and driven across the lake ice. Of course, the ice cracked under such a weight, or the boulder did not want to become part of the Church Foundation, but the Blue Stone sank. It took about 100 years, and the stone crawled back to the shore.

It is believed that this huge boulder is endowed with medical magic: it treats women for infertility, and gives men strength. You can sit on a rock – it will also have a therapeutic effect.

Goritsky monastery
Горицкий монастырь Переславль-Залесский

There is a belief that touching a stone guarantees success in business and good luck in life. You just need to make a small sacrifice: a penny or candy is usually enough.

It is believed that the Blue stone reacts to weather and climate changes. If it is more than usually submerged in the ground, then severe cold is expected. And if on the contrary, it is expected to be warm, then the stone crawls out of the ground and basks in the sun.

Strange, but the snow doesn't stay on the rock. All around the ice and snowdrifts, and the stone is clean.

And Blue Stone loves to walk. How it does this, no one has seen firsthand, but there is some evidence that the boulder moves from place to place and changes its position.

And this may not be accidental at all.

You know that our project is dedicated to finding patterns in the location of ancient structures and unusual objects. But the Blue Stone was not one of them due to its small size and not very reliable facts. And the objects in ancient Pereslavl-Zalessky have not yet been checked for the presence of patterns in the location, in relation to the key objects Of the system of ancient monumental structures, which, as it turned out, exists on our planet.

Pleshcheyevo lake, on the shore of which lies the Blue stone, is clearly visible from space and is an excellent landmark. Therefore, if you place certain objects near it according to a certain principle, then you can determine your location in space, i.e., navigate.

A detailed study of the ancient sites of Pereslavl-Zalessky is still ahead, but some promising circumstances have already been revealed immediately.

It turned out that the direction from Pleshcheyev lake to the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, which is itself a navigation object, corresponds to the angle of the hexagram 120°. And the direction from the Blue Stone to the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir corresponds to the angle of the pentagram 126°.

In addition, the direction from the Blue Stone to the center Of the Cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary in Goritsky monastery, which is also located on the shore of lake Pleshcheyev, is the exact direction to the South. And the Cathedral itself, in turn, is precisely oriented in the direction of the Great pyramid of Giza – the most important key point of the System.

Синь Камень направление на Великую пирамиду

Autor:  GeoLines