Europe: Barrows, Ziggurats ДЕНХУГ / Denghoog

PHOTO: 54°56'25.24"С 8°19'45.25"В

Одна из наиболее значительных достопримечательностей острова Зюльд – мегалитическое захоронение Denghoog. Постройку кургана датируют эпохой неолита, примерно 3000 лет до нашей эры. Название переводится, как «вещь в холме». Курган всегда был местом паломничества и клановых собраний. Сохранилась многоугольная погребальная камера, перекрытая мощными каменными плитами. В камеру ведет искусственный узкий проход и очень крутая лестница.



"There is some confusion as to King Finn's dwelling. As doctors differ, we may be allowed to claim that it was the Denghoog, close to Wenningstedt, if only because we descended into that remarkable dwelling. Externally merely a swelling green mound, like so many others in Sylt, entrance is gained by a trap-door in the roof, and descending a steep ladder, one finds himself in a subterranean chamber, some seventeen by ten feet in size, the walls of which are twelve huge blocks of Swedish granite; the height of the roof varies from five feet to six feet. The original entrance appears to have been a long narrow passage, seventeen feet long and about two feet wide and high. This mound was examined by a Hamburg professor in 1868, who found remains of a fireplace, bones of a small man, some clay urns, and stone weapons. Later, a Kiel professor is said to have carried off all he found therein to Kiel Museum, and so far we have not been able to trace the published accounts of his investigations."