Asia: Ancient cities ГАОЧАН / Gaochang

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Гаочан — древняя военная колония, основанная хуннскими правителями в I в. до н. э. в Турфанской впадине, в 30 км от современного Турфана. Один из первых центров буддизма на территории Китая. Руины впервые исследованы в начале XX века Альбертом фон Лекоком. С 439 г. цитадель последних правителей государства Северная Лян. В 460 г. взят жужаньскими войсками, которые заселили оазис переселенцами из Китая. Несколько раз переходил из рук в руки между динлинами и тюркютами.



Gaochang was built in the 1st century BC. It was an important site along the Silk Road. It was burnt down in wars in the 14th century. Old palace ruins and inside and outside cities can still be seen today. Gao Chang (Pronounced Qara-hoja in Uyghur) is located in present-day Xinjiang Province, 30km from Turpan. It played a key role as a transportation hub in western China. There is not much documented history surviving today, only stories passed on through oral tradition exist to detail the history. The archaeological remains are just outside the town at a place originally called Idykut-schari or Idikutschari by local residents (see the work of Albert Grünwedel in the external links below). Artistic monuments of the city have been published by Albert von Le Coq (see external link below).