Pacific ocean: Temples, Palaces ЗАМОК ОКАЯМА / Okayama Castle

PHOTO: wavehouse 34°40'4.09"С 133°56'2.30"В

Фундамент был заложен в середине XII века, а сам замок Окаяма был построен Укита Хидэиэ в 1597 году. В 1603 году замком овладел Икэда Тадацугу, и более 260 лет он оставался домом семьи Икэда. Стены замка были выкрашены в черный цвет, отчего за ним и укрепилось название «Удзё», что означает «Вороний замок». Почему для замка был выбран такой цвет? Вероятно, из-за желания подчеркнуть различие с белоснежной цитаделью в Химэдзи, названной Замком белой цапли. Замок Окаяма простоял около четырех столетий и был разрушен американскими бомбардировками в годы Второй мировой войны. От него остались всего две настенные башни Цукими-ягура. В 1966 году были восстановлены, а фактически построены заново главная башня Тэнсюкаку и центральные ворота. В эпоху Эдо к северо-востоку от Эдо на другом берегу реки Асахи-гава был разбит пейзажный сад Кораку-эн. Теперь и замок, и сад достопримечательности, которые непременно посещает любой турист, приезжающий в префектуру Окаяма.



Okayama Castle  is a castle in the city of Okayama in Okayama Prefecture in Japan. It is popularly known as Crow Castle (Matsumoto Castle is the same nickname too), so named because it has been painted a striking black, with only a few protruding bits and the occasional lucky fish-gargoyle  gilded. Okayama Castle was built in 1597. It was destroyed in World War II and reconstructed in the 1960s.Today the donjon is a modern concrete building with air-conditioning and elevators. In the donjon is a museum documenting the castle's history, English explanations are few and far between but at least you can practice your court Japanese with a soap opera on video. Entry into the main donjon ¥300, open 9 AM to 5 PM daily. The castle is on the opposite side of the Asahi River from Kōraku-en Garden. Combination tickets for both attractions are available. In 1687, the daimyo Ikeda Tsunamasa ordered Tsuda Nagatada to begin construction of the Korakuen. It was completed in 1700, and has retained its original appearance down to the present day, except for a few changes by various daimyo. The Korakuen is one of the few daimyo gardens in the provinces where historical change can be observed, thanks to the many Edo Period paintings and Ikeda family records and documents left behind. The garden was used as a place for entertaining important guests and also as a spa of sorts for daimyo, although regular folk could also visit on certain days. In 1884, ownership was transferred to Okayama Prefecture and the garden was opened to the public. The garden suffered severe damage during the floods of 1934 and during World War 2 bombing in 1945, but has been restored based on Edo Period paintings and diagrams. In 1952, the Korakuen garden was designated as a Special Scenic Location under the Cultural Properties Protection Law, and is managed as a historical cultural asset to be passed to future generations.

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