Europe: Processed stones БЫКИ ГИСАНДО / Bulls of Guisando

Быки Гисандо Б2.jpg
PHOTO: antotemo 40°21'39.40"С 4°26'29.89"З

Быки Гисандо — вид веррако, комплекс кельтиберских скульптур, расположенных на холме Гисандо в Испании. Извания выполнены из гранита около II века до н. э. и изображают четвероногих животных. Возможно, имели культовое значение. На территории Испании и Португалии насчитывается 400 этих удивительных памятников. У «быков Гисандо» 14 апреля 1458 года был подписан договор между инфантой Изабеллой и её братом Энрике IV, согласно которому она становилась его наследницей. Договор завершил эпоху феодальных междоусобиц в Испании.



The Bulls of Guisando are a set of celtiberian sculptures located on the hill of Guisando in the municipality of El Tiemblo, Ávila, Spain. The sculptures, made of granite, represent quadrupeds identified as bulls or pigs. The balance of opinion favours bulls: there are holes which have been interpreted as sockets for horns. The Bulls of Guisando are examples of a type of ancient sculpture called verracos of which hundreds are known. They are associated with the territory of a celtiberian tribe called the Vettones. The Bulls may have been made during the second century BC. Whether they are in their original position is debatable. There are some Latin graffiti on them which may mean they were repositioned in Roman times. The field around the Bulls was the place where the Treaty of the Bulls of Guisando was signed between Henry IV of Castile and his half-sister Isabella of Castille on September 18, 1468, which granted her the title of Princess of Asturias thus ending a civil war in Castile.

Bulls of Guisando -

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