Rotating nonagon in the point of Mohenjo-Daro provides several unique combinations of azimuths. Turning nonagon on 3.6 *, i.e. on 1/100 of the entire circumference we get one of them.

Rotating hexagram, we determined that between the directions to Teotihuacan and Great Pyramid (GP) are 60 *. Now thanks to nonagon it is clearly seen that in this combination also participate azimuths of Vatican and Mecca, which are located symmetrically to azimuth of GP and are distant from it on 20 *.

The exact angles between the directions are:
Between azimuths of Teotihuacan and Vatican - 40.49 * the error is +0.49 *.
Between azimuths of GP and Vatican - 19.47 * the error is -0.53*.
Between azimuths of GP and Mecca - 20.32 * the error is + 0.32 *.

Next, a few words should be said about the distances between these objects. To begin with the "Road of Dead" in Teotihuacan is the direction to MD, but with GP Teotihuacan is located in the golden section. Distance from Teotihuacan to MD, it is 4 distances from MD to Great Pyramid. Also the distance from Teotihuacan to MD, it is 5 distances from MD to Mecca. At the same time all azimuths in MD are located multiply to 20 *. See. "Table of azimuths."

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ru Next, turn nonagon on 5.5 * clockwise. In this position we again see that azimuths of Uluru and Por Bajin are perpendicular to each other and the direction to Tiwanaku differs from azimuth of Uluru on 30 *.

Now, thanks to nonagon, we see that azimuths of Angkor and Sigiriya are symmetric relatively to the direction to Uluru and are separated from it on 20 * with small errors.

As we remember, MD is removed on the same distance from GP and Por Bajin. Distance to Uluru is exactly 80 * in angular terms. This means that MD and Uluru are situated relatively to each other according to nonagon. With Sigiriya MD is located according to octagon, the angular distance between them is close to half of 45 * between them are 22.8* along the arc of globe.

The angular distance between MD and Angkor is 36.1 *. This means that Angkor and MD divide the circle connecting them according to pentagram. See article "PENTAGRAM IN THE ARRANGEMENT OF KEY POINTS OF SDMS."

Distance from MD to Tiwanaku is 15418 km or 138.7 * in the angular terms. It is 6 time more than the distance from MD to Sigiriya, which constitutes - 2523 km or 22.8 *. 15418/2523 = 6.1.

Come on farther. In the point of Tiwanaku azimuths of MD and Angkor are located according to octagon, oriented to the cardinal points. Between them are 45 *, with the error of + 0.14 *.

In the point of Sigiriya between azimuths of Angkor and Por Bajin are 60 *. Between azimuths of MD and Por Bajin are 45 *.

In the point of Angkor, azimuths of Tiwanaku and Por Bajin are located according to pentagram, between them are 108 *, with the error of -0.46 *. But the most amazing thing is that between azimuths of MD and Sigiriya in Angkor are 40 *. Between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Uluru are 100 *.

Let us pass to Por Bajin. In this point the angle between azimuths of MD and Sigiriya is close to 30 *, and between azimuths of Uluru and Angkor are 20 *.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ru Now turn octagon on 4.5 * counter-clockwise.
In this position, we again obtain azimuth of Por Bajin, with which according to hexagram interacts azimuth of Easter island.

Now, thanks to octagon, we see that between azimuths of Stonehenge and Easter island are 40 *, with the error of + 0.22 *.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruIn fact, both considered above combinations are one combination with location of azimuths multiply to 10 *.


You can see it on the interactive map at the end of the page, having included both combinations simultaneously.


Indeed, if we turn one nonagon on 5.5 * clockwise and the other on 4.5 * counter-clockwise we divide the circumference by 10 *.

In this position, we see that 7 azimuths are placed in the point of MD multiply to 10 degrees.

It can be noted that the distance from MD to Easter island, it is 5 distances from MD to Angkor with the error of 0.08.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. НОНАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruFinally, turning nonagon on 8 * counter-clockwise we find that angle between the directions to St. Petersburg and Baalbek is close to 40 *. The exact angle is - 40.76 *, the error is + 0.76 *.


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