Publications  ONWARD TO THE PAST 02.08.2011. ANCIENT MINES.


© Vitaly Aleksandrovich Simonov


The aliens appeared on considerable distance from a their native planet and having deficiency in the technological equipment for working out of entrails have made simply and ingeniously, having created slaves-miners. Not putting essential investments into manufacture and having converted people to self-maintenance, they ruthlessly exploited their slaves which by means of primitive tools of work «gave out » minerals necessary for aliens. Especially valuable for aliens were not gold and silver but tin which Sumer people named «heavenly metal». Among ancient tribes there was even a narrow specialization. For example, the tribe of kessarit which lived earlier on the territory of modern Iran was engaged in tin mining only.


Ancient copper mines.

Ancient mines of the Stone Age in which our ancestors worked, mining for aliens minerals, are found in various regions of planet in Urals Mountains, in Pamir, in Tibet, in Western Siberia, in the Northern and the South America, Africa. In later period people used ancient mines already for their own needs, taking from them ore for manufacture of copper, tin, lead, iron.

In remained till our time hieratic text on new-Egyptian language (it is stored in the British museum) it is said, that the Egyptian Pharaohs for a long time used stocks of copper from the warehouses left ancient tsars. This fact confirms «Will of Ramses III» (1198-1166 BC):

I have sent the people with the commission to Atek desert [on the Sinai Peninsula] to the big copper mines, which are in this place. And here it is their boats are full of it (copper). An other part of copper is sent by land, loaded on their donkeys. They did not hear (similar) earlier, since times of ancient tsars. Their mines are found full of copper which is shipped (in quantity) tens thousand (pieces) on their boats going under their supervision to Egypt and arriving safe under protection of (God) with the lifted hand (the God the Shin - the patron of east desert) and which is piled under a balcony of (an imperial palace) in the form of numerous pieces of copper (by number of) in hundred thousand, and their colours are triple iron. I have allowed to all the people to look at them, as on a wonder.


To reach the copper layers, it was necessary to open 12 meters of the viscous and very heavy clay "cover» safely covering lenses and veins of copper minerals. We try to clear away one of 35 thousand similar mines.

People living near the Lake Victoria and the river Zambezi kept safe the legend about mysterious white people who named «bachvezy» has remained. They have constructed stone cities and settlements, have laid channels forward irrigation, have cut down in hard rock pits by depth from 3 to 70 meters, trenches in length of some kilometers. According to a legend, бачвези were able to fly, to treat all illnesses and informed about the events occurring in the remote past. Aliens mined ore and melted metals. They have disappeared from the face of the Earth so unexpectedly, as well as have appeared.

The earliest evidences of iron manufactures in Africa are found in vicinities of Tarugy and Samun Dikiya - the settlements concerning to the culture of Noc and located on a plateau Djos in Nigeria. Experts date furnace which is found here for manufacture of iron by 500-450 years BC it had the cylindrical form and has been made of clay. Holes for slag have been deepened in the ground, and the tube for bellows was at ground level.


Panorama one of many plots of Kargaly with thousand traces of filled up mountain developments (shooting from the helicopter).

In 1970 the mining «English-American Corporation», has involved archeologists in search of the thrown ancient mines. To reduce expenses for search of new minerals in the Southern Africa. According to Adrian Bushier and Peter Jumna’s messages, on the territory of Swaziland and in other places extensive plots with mines in depth to 20 meters have been found. The age of the bones and charcoal found in mines charcoal makes from 25 to 50 thousand years. Archeologists have come to conclusion, that in an antiquity in the Southern Africa the technology of mountain workings out was applied. The artifacts found in mines, testify about enough high level of applied technologies which were hardly accessible to people of the Stone Age. Miners even kept account of the performed work.

In 1953 miners of mine «Lione« in Uottisa area (the State of Utah, the USA) mining coal on in depth of 2800 meters have come across a network of ancient tunnels. The underground coal manufactures. Made by unknown miners, had no connection with the surface and were such old, that entrances in mine were destroyed by erosion.

Professor of the University of the Utah State E.Wilson has expressed in this occasion so:

Without any doubt, these passes are made by a hand of the person. In spite of the fact that outside it was not revealed their any traces, tunnels, apparently, were conducted from the surface to that place where present workings out were crossed with them. There is no visible basis for dating of tunnels.

Professor of anthropology of the University of Utah State Dzhessi D. Jennings denies that the North American Indians could lay down the given tunnels, and does not know, who ancient miners were:

First, for performance of such work it is necessary the direct requirement of the given region in coal. Before arrival of the white man all cargoes were transported by porters-people. As for region there are no any data that aboriginals around mines Uottisa burnt down coal.

In the North America some mines in which the unknown civilization mined minerals are revealed. For example, on Royal Island (Lake Superior) from ancient mine have been extracted thousand tones of copper ore which then has been enigmatically taken out from island.

In a southern part of the Ohio State some furnaces for melt of metal from iron ore are revealed. Farmers of this State sometimes find metal products on their fields.


Eilat region, the most ancient copper mines.

Images of "miners" with the mysterious tools of work similar to jackhammers and other tools, intended for mountain works may be meet in various regions of globe. For example, in ancient capital тольтеков the city of Tula there are reliefs and bas-reliefs with the image of the Gods compressing subjects in hands, more reminding plasma cutting torches, than tools stone or a bronze age.

On one of stone columns of Tula city there is a bas-relief: the deity of тольтеков holds the "miner's" tool in his right hand; his helmet is similar to headdresses of ancient Assyrian tsars.

On territory of Toltec’s state in Mexico are revealed many ancient mines in which earlier were extracted, gold, silver and other nonferrous metals. Alexander Del Maar writes in «Histories of precious metals»:

Concerning prehistoric mining it is necessary to put forward the precondition that Aztecs did not know of iron that is why the question about mining practically does not remain. But modern researchers have found ancient mines and testimonies of mine workings which they have considered as places of prehistoric mining in Mexico.

In China copper extraction was conducted since the most ancient times. Till present time the Chinese archeologists investigated 252 vertical mines falling in depth to 50 meters, with numerous horizontal foothills and manholes. At the bottom of foothills and mines the iron and bronze tools once lost by miners have been found. Copper deposits were developed from below upwards: as soon as ore in foothills ran low, it was made a new foothill, located above, in a vertical shaft of mine. As the ore was delivered to the surface in baskets, dead rock from new foothills was simply dumped downwards, so that does not lift it into the thrown excavations. The foothills were illuminated with the doubled sticks of a burning bamboo thrusted in walls.

Numerous ancient mines are available in Russia and on n territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. Ancient mines have been found at foothills of Northern Altai, in the Minuses hollow in the region of Orenburg ,lake Baikal near the river the Amur in Southern Urals Mountains, in a river basin Ishim, in a row of Central Asia areas and also on Caucasus and in Ukraine . L. P.Levitsky has published in 1941 the brochure «About ancient mines» where the map with instructions of several hundreds places of mountain workings out of terrestrial bowels in which were extracted basically copper, tin, silver and gold is resulted. In ancient faces of many mines stone hammers from the firm rocks executed in the form of a polyhedron or the flat cylinder have been found. For ore breaking off bronze picks, wedges and chisels are served. Skeletons of the lost people are found in some mines.

In 1961 nearby to Arkhiz (the Western Caucasus) on a mountain Pastuhovoj geologists have found old mines. V.A.Kuznetsov investigating mountain excavations marked:

… Ancient miners operated with the big knowledge of business: they went along the vein and chose all lenses and congestions of copper ore, not stopping on insignificant impregnations. Awareness on those times is amazing, because there were no special scientific knowledge on geology and mining. Already in grey-haired antiquity people were able to conduct some sorts of geological exploring and with that purpose investigated remote mountain ridges.

Chudsky mines are the collective name of the most ancient ore mining which traces are found on the Territory of Urals Mountains, Western Siberia, and Krasnoyarsk region. E.I.Ejhvalda's book «About Chudsky mines » contains detailed data about them:

Mines have started to exploit approximately in the 1st half of III millennia BC; the greatest mining fall on XIII-XII centuries BC; mining has stopped in V-VI centuries D.C. in Western Siberia and in XI-XII centuries D.C. in Average and Northern Urals Mountains. At drifting, of Chudsky mines ancient miners applied stone hammers, wedges, stumpers crushers; horn and bone picks; copper and bronze, and then iron picks, hacks , hammers; wooden troughs, logs-ladders; wattled baskets, leather bags and mittens; clay fixtures, etc. Working out of mineral deposits usually began with holes; having gone deep to deposit falling up to 6-8 meters, usually they passed mines funneled, slightly inclined and narrowed from top to bottom, sometimes small section of foothill and along the thread unit vector. Depth of minings in the average was 10-14 meters; some of them reached the considerable sizes (for example, a copper open-cast mine around Orsk city with length of 130 meters and 15-20 meters of width) as ore mining in them was conducted throughout hundreds years.

In 1735 to the south from Ekaterinburg, around Gumeshevsky mine, on the earth surface have been found significant amounts of ore already extracted by ancient miners with the big content of copper («a great nest of the best copper ore»), and also the traces of the ancient fallen off mines in depth about 20 meters and fallen off open-cast mines .Probably, something has forced miners to leave a place of the work hastily. Hammers, the rests of wooden shovels, thrown copper hacks are found in excavations of Gumeshevsky mine.


Tools of ancient miners from Stepnyak.

It was already known in tsar Feodor Alekseevich times about ancient mines in Transbaikalia and the rests of melting furnaces around Nerchinsk .In the document of the Nerchinsk jail head Samojl Lisovsky it is written:

Near the same places from Nerchinsk jail in thirteen bottoms there were towns and the yurtas, many inhabited, and mills stones and slide-rocks, not in one place; and he, Paul (the Russian messenger) asked many old people of foreigners and Tungus and Mongolian people: what people on that place lived before and built both cities and factories and they have told: what people lived here they do not know and did not hear about it from anybody.

The quantity of small mines and holes on territory of Russia is estimated in thousand. There are many ancient open-cast mines and excavations where copper was extracted with progressive open way: the soil was moved away over ore deposits and the deposit was excavated without any additional costs. In the east of the Orenburg area two such mines are known: Ush-Kattyn (four ancient open-cast mines with dumps of copper ore the largest of them has length in 120 meters, width in 10-20 meters and depth in 1-3 meters) and Elenovsky ( with size 30 х 40 meters and depth in 5-6 meters). The carried out mineralogy-geochemical researches have allowed to establish, that medno-turmalinovye ores, similar elenovsky were one of raw materials sources for metallurgical manufacture in the most ancient city of Arkaim.

In the Chelyabinsk area in 1994 is found an open mine the Thieves' hole which is situated between rivers Zingejka- Kujsak in 5 kilometers from settlement Zingejsky .An ancient excavation has the roundish form, in diameter 30-40 meters, in depth 3-5 meters and is surrounded with dead rock dumps. On the experts conclusion in this mine was extracted about 6 thousand tons of ore with the content of copper 2-3 % from which it could be obtained about 10 tons of metal.

Traces of ancient mountain excavations are in Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Around the lake Issyk Kul on deposits of gold, polymetallic and tin ores in 1935 traces of ancient mountain works have been found.

In 1940 the geological expedition under the guidance of E.Ermakov has found in remote prongs of Pamir horizontal drift with branchings in length about 150 meters. About its location geologists was informed by local residents. In the ancient excavation someone extracted a mineral sheltie, tungsten ore. By the length of stalagmites and stalactites which were formed in shift geologists have established approximate time of mountain excavation 12-15 thousand years BC to whom this refractory metal with temperature of fusion 3380 °C was necessary in the Stone Age, it is not known.

The total amount delivered to (mountain) and processed in ancient mines impresses. For example, in Central Asia, around deposits Kandjol («a track of ancient miners») which is located in 2 kilometers to the north of the river Utkemsu, there are traces of the ancient excavations lasting a strip throughout 6 kilometers. Earlier in these mines silver and lead was extracted. Total amount of miner shifts is 2 million cubic meter, volume of visible mountain excavations is about 70 thousand cubic meter. On the deposits Djerkamar it is revealed more than hundred ancient mines with the big shifts about them. Total amount of ancient excavations of Almalyk is nearby 600. The volume of the taken out rock is more than 20 thousand cubic meter.

The Dzhezkazgan copper deposits in Kazakhstan, opened again in 1771, were excavated during prehistoric times about what huge shifts of dead rock and traces of mountain works testify. In a bronze age it has been extracted here one million tons of copper ore. From Uspensky mine it has been taken out 200 thousand tons of ore. Around Dzhezkazgan it has been melted about 100 thousand tons of copper. Now in Kazakhstan it is revealed over 80 deposits of copper, tin and gold-bearing ores which were used for extraction of metals in deep antiquity.

In 1816 expedition under the guidance of the mountain engineer I P.Shangin has found extensive ancient shifts of dead rock around the river Ishim. In the report it is written:

… This mine was a rich source of the industry for working over it …

Шангин has approximately estimated dead rock at mountain Iman: weight of ancient shifts was about 3 million poods. If to assume, that from the extracted ore have been melted only 10 % of copper the received metal weighed about 50 thousand tons .There are estimations of copper extraction based on the analysis shift of mines according to which the volume of the copper extracted in antiquity is about half of capacity of all deposit. Thus, in the remote past it has been melted approximately 250 thousand tons of copper.

In 1989 archaeological expedition of Russian Academy of Science under the guidance of professor E.N.Chernyha studied numerous ancient settlements of miners in Kargalinsky steppe (Orenburg area), dated by IV-II millennia BC. The Total area of a surface with traces of old mountain excavations is about 500 square kilometers. At excavation have been found dwellings of miners, numerous foundry forms, the rests of ore and slags, stone and copper tools and other subjects specifying that the Kargalinsky steppe was one of the largest mountain-metallurgical centers of an antiquity. By estimations of archeologist V.Mikhailov from ancient каргалинских mines it has been taken from 2 to 5 million tons of ore. By calculations of the geologist V.Mihajlov, only in the Orenburg mines of Bronze Age has been extracted copper ore so much, that it would suffice for melting of 50 thousand tons of metal. By the unknown reasons in II millennium BC copper extraction has been stopped, though stocks of minerals were not exhausted.

Cossack officer F.K.Nabokov in 1816 has been directed to the Kazakh steppe for revealing of the ancient thrown mines and mineral deposits. In his report («Daily magazine of major Nabokov») he results many data about ancient mines:

The mine Anninsky … has been excavated by the ancient people on all extents. Embankments, workings out with these excavations are nowadays covered with dense wood and occupy about 1000 square sazhens .These pits contained in one pood from 1 to 10 pounds of copper, except silver. According to the approached calculation, this mine should contain ores about 8000 cubic sazhens of ores or to 3 000 000 poods. Baron Mejendorf found different signs of copper ore on Ileka and Berdyanka. This last mine, apparently, has been described by Pallas. He names it Sajgachij and writes, that in it has been found well remained, vast and in many places developed ancient footrill at which clarification flat cakes of the alloyed copper are found, melting pots from white clay and a bone filled up with soil of workers. Here then have found many of fossilized tree pieces but have not noticed anywhere a sign of melting furnaces.

If to judge by total amount of the copper ore extracted in ancient mines or tin, the Bronze Age mankind should fill up literally itself with products from copper or bronze. Copper in the remote past was made in such quantities, that it would suffice for needs of many generations of people. Nevertheless archeologists find only separate subjects in burial places of notable people from copper which was at that time appreciated very highly. Where "surpluses" of metal has disappeared, it is not known. It is curious, that around many ancient mines it is not revealed traces of melting furnaces. Probably, ore processing in metal was made in other place and centrally .There is nothing improbable that aliens using free work of slaves-miners extracted in such a way minerals from bowels of the Earth and took out them on their planet.


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