Publications  The Sahara geoglyphs 16.12.2018. Part 16. Conclusion.

The Sahara geoglyphs

Part 16. Conclusion

So, having considered the above material, we can form some general idea of a new, absolutely unique phenomenon that amazes with its scale - the Sahara geoglyphs. Since, until recently, almost nothing has been known about this phenomenon, we will try to reflect on it.

First of all, there is no doubt that the Sahara geoglyphs are artificial objects created in huge quantities. At the moment, more than 21,000 of them have been discovered, and this is far from the final figure, since vast territories of the Sahara have a weak resolution of space images and do not allow to see small objects.

Let's hope that the situation will change soon and Google will update the maps. Then the number of geoglyphs can increase significantly. In addition, in most cases, some objects were not taken into account, mainly the small points and circles, located near large symbols. The diameter of such objects, as a rule, is small and amounts to only 3-7 meters, but there are a lot of them. Sometimes there may be more than a dozen separate points near one geoglyph. Despite the size, these objects also require considerable effort to create them.

Taking into consideration all small circles, the number of geoglyphs should definitely exceed 30,000. Some symbols in the form of points were not taken into account for the sake of time savings, assuming that they are no longer lost next to the marked symbols, and in the future they can be taken into account by adding to the number of the nearest geoglyph an additional figure.

Geoglyphs of the Sahara have different preservation degree, and from some symbols there is only a trace on the surface of the earth, which, however, is noticeable and retains its shape. Many objects, especially those located in the lowlands, are almost totally covered with sand, others have simply collapsed over time.

Judging by the single photographs that are no longer in the public domain, geoglyphs were created by laying out symbols of various shapes and sizes from small boulders, and in some cases, from flat stone slabs. Now that the exact location of most geoglyphs is known, the question of what exactly and how these objects have been made is likely to be solved in the nearest future. Moreover, many of the symbols are located a few hundred meters from the Trans-Saharan highways, and some even in scarce settlements or near them.

Despite the apparent simplicity of manufacture, many geoglyphs are quite complex engineering structures, for the creation of which the foundation was prepared and leveled, the stones were selected and laid in several rows. At least for many hundreds, and maybe thousands of years, the geoglyphs have not collapsed, they are not covered with sand, and we can observe most of the symbols intact, allowing them to be detected from space. This fact indicates that the places for the objects were chosen in a certain way, taking into account the prevailing winds, in open and elevated spaces.

изменения геоглифа The image on the left shows geoglyph S 15964, which over the past 12 years, from 2005 to 2017, was now almost completely covered with sand, then again became visible. But the southern part of this symbol is already completely covered with sand, and is no longer exposed.

This suggests that many geoglyphs can be completely, or almost completely covered with soil, and merge with the surrounding terrain. Therefore, the number of geoglyphs, even in the surveyed areas, can be much larger. In addition, there are undetected and missed characters. So, according to subjective estimates, the total number of man-made objects in the Sahara desert can exceed several tens of thousands.

The following striking fact, also related to the number of geoglyphs, is the size of the territory in which they are located. According to the most modest estimates, the area occupied by  unknown characters is at least 1,000,000 square kilometers. And this is only the main cluster of objects located in the central part of the Sahara. And there are two more large groups of symbols in the western part of the desert adjacent to the Atlantic coast.

Thus, today, in terms of the area occupied, even the famous Nazca desert, whose geoglyphs are located on an area of approximately 5,000 square kilometers, cannot match the Sahara geoglyphs.

If we consider the location of geoglyphs relative to state borders, then the vast majority of them are located in the southern part of Algeria, occupying about 1/3 of the area of this rather big country. The remaining, a small part, is distributed between Mali and Niger, in the area where their borders contact with the border of Algeria.

In the west, the northern group of geoglyphs is located in the south-east of Morocco, directly along the border with Algeria. Most of the southern group of geoglyphs is located in the north-west of Mauritania, in the place where its border, together with the border of the Western Sahara State, has a right angle, not far from the Richat Structure ("Eye of the Sahara").

Despite the huge number of geoglyphs and the enormous space that they occupy, there is practically no doubt that all objects are a unified interconnected system created according to one project. And this is the most striking fact to which there is no explanation in the framework of the official historical paradigm.

The integrity of the entire system of the Sahara geoglyphs is confirmed by many obvious facts. First of all, it is the monotony of the form of symbols, which, by and large, is simply modified, flowing into one another, as well as the general principles of the mutual arrangement of objects, coinciding with the principles of building a global System of ancient monumental structures - SAMS.

One cannot be positive that the northern geoglyphs of the main group, where SK type symbols dominate, are not related to the southern ones, where S type symbols prevail. There are places where they are found close to each other, and even one in the other. Therefore, it cannot be said that the northern geoglyphs were created by one civilization, the southern by another, and the western by the third. One can’t even say with confidence that some kind of human civilization created them at all, because nothing is yet known about a civilization with such opportunities in the center of the Sahara.

They are obviously not burials or cult buildings, not residential or household buildings, not pens for livestock, and not even landmarks for camel caravans.  The geoglyphs are practically not visible from the earth, and not needed in such quantity for any of the above purposes.

In other words, there is no such reason, from a human point of view, that could have forced anyone to do this, in the literal sense, superhuman work. Even today, the creation of such a large-scale project is impossible without a special equipment capable of working in a lifeless desert, to say nothing of people.

But someone, hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago, brought this project to life, despite all the difficulties.

So, we have another phenomenon that is obviously not consistent with the ideas of the official history of our past, and at the same time is another remarkable confirmation of the existence of a global orientation system on planet Earth, consisting of both individual navigation systems and objects, and local navigation nets.

Sahara geoglyphs are another local orientation system for the monotonous terrain of this desert. Within this hypothesis, the presence of geoglyphs in other similar places can be perfectly explained.

It is difficult to disagree with the idea that except for viewing from a height, the symbols in the Sahara, as well as the lines in the Nazca desert, are practically unsuitable for anything. Thus, they contain certain information available to the observer only from a great height. And who could be such an observer? Right! Only a pilot of an aircraft.

And here comes a very interesting moment. The fact is that for intelligent movement in general, and over the planet all the more, the pilot must have an orientation system, i.e. reference system. There is no way to do without it, at any level of technology development. The system can be implemented in different ways, but its presence is obligatory. In the physical world, such a system should be present in the form of physical objects, in the virtual space it is defined by program methods, but also has a point from which it is being read.

In the modern world, a single reference system is the coordinate system where the reference is taken from the intersection of the equator - the only natural line on the globe, with the meridian of the Greenwich Observatory, which, as it turned out, has a reference to the Great Pyramid.

In a word, if in antiquity someone flew over the Earth, then they simply could not do without a system of orientation. And such a system was created on the planet in the form of monumental structures - pyramids, temples, megalithic structures, geoglyphs and other objects, the presence of which is very difficult to explain from a historical point of view, but very easy from navigatory one. And this does not mean that navigation was their only function.

опорные геодезические сети First, in certain points on different continents, according to a certain principle, SAMS key points were placed, such as the Great Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Tiwanaku, Nan Madol, Stonehenge, Baalbek, Angkor, Easter Island, Uluru and many others, with a reference to the existing objects. I.e.. pivot points were created. Then, objects of the next level were arranged about them, then still others, etc. By the same principle modern geodesic networks are built.

At first sight, this version looks too fantastic, but in fact, it is the most probable one from all points of view. It has only one drawback - the huge costs of creating such a reference system, but, as already mentioned, this is only a question of technology and the correct approach, which lies precisely in the multifunctionality of the navigation structures. It is for some reason that people have always considered them sacred places, and in most cases they were kept in proper form, maintaining functionality. Moreover, the pivot points of the SAMS are the centers from which our civilization originated. Even now, the largest capitals of the world are located next to them.

Next we can see only advantages. The reference system created from physical objects on the surface of the Earth at certain points does not require maintenance or energy costs, it is always available and does not depend on natural factors. Most of the monumental structures have stood the test of time and over the millennia have not collapsed under the onslaught of elements. Of course, many of them lost their original appearance and were even covered with soil, many disappeared in the jungle, but they did not cease to function, i.e. mark a specific point on the surface of the earth and be a guide.

That is why it does not matter at all that Stonehenge was restored in the past century from new parts, it is important that it remains in the same place and still designates a specific point on the surface of the Earth, together with the neighboring structures being a navigation complex. The same applies to other restored objects.

Modern equipment makes it possible to read the microrelief even through a solid forest, thanks to which, by the way, unknown structures have been found in Angkor and in the Amazon jungle, and video cameras can distinguish one particular person in a crowd of thousands of people. Therefore, for a civilization that has created such a system of orientation, the problem of recognizing its objects on the surface cannot exist in principle.

Moreover, they are located according to a certain system, in which the observed objects report information about the location of neighboring objects and key points of the SAMS, thereby allowing to determine ones exact location in space, plot a route and move to the desired point.

This is a different approach. Today you are here, and next time, perhaps you will be here in 200, or 500 years. And you are most likely not the only user. Therefore, the stationary navigation system should be universal, i.e. comprehensible for all the arriving users.

At the dawn of marine navigation, each maritime state measured the longitude from its own zero meridian, usually passing through the central observatories of these countries. Only in 1884, at the International Meridian Conference in Washington it was decided to take the Greenwich meridian passing through the observatory of the same name for the point “zero” for counting down the longitudes around the globe.

The same problem can occur in different civilizations. Today, scientists have already expressed the view that there should be a universal mathematical language, which allows not only to describe the world around us, but also serves as a universal means of communication. Therefore, the orientation system should also be based on universal mathematical principles, independent of the characteristics of a particular civilization.

Next, a few words should be said about the principles of the mutual arrangement of ancient structures, common, as research has shown, for the entire SAMS and geoglyphs of the Sahara. If we assume that the users of the navigation system will be representatives of different civilizations, who may have different measurement systems, then the only language understandable for all will be the language of mathematics.

It is unlikely, but one civilization can have 360 degrees in a circle, and another, for example, 400. Distances, as we know, can be measured by elbows, miles, meters, parsecs and even parrots. Therefore, the basis of a universal mathematical language should be based on the same constants understandable for all.

Such constants can be the mathematical relations of something whole and its parts, for example, the relationship of regular geometric shapes. Most likely, the ratio of the circumference to its diameter will be the same on Earth, on Mars, and, probably, in other points of the universe. The same will happen with the division of the circle - the simplest and most universal geometric figure, into equal parts. The division of the circle by 5, everywhere will set the pentagram, the division by 6 - the hexagram, etc. In this case, there will be certain and identical relations of parts of geometric figures, including the golden section.

Such a system based on mathematical relationships will be universal and understandable to all users, since dividing something whole into parts will be dividing into parts everywhere. Then it does not matter how many degrees you have in a circle, or in what units you measure angles or distances. If you say that at a certain point the direction to one object is, for example, ¼ of the whole circle, and to the other 2/5, then in our case it will be 90° and 144°, measured from the direction to the north, and somewhere on Alpha Centauri - this may be 123.456, say,  "centaurettes". But in real physical terms, these will be the same directions, derived from mathematical formulas, which are also universal.

Knowing the values of directions to other objects at a specific point with a known location, using the simplest mathematical formulas, you can accurately determine your location in any frame of reference. In certain cases, on our planet, you can even determine your location in the solar system, since many ancient objects have astronomical reference.

The same thing is happening now. GPS satellites calculate their location relative to the reference radio beacons on Earth and certain stars, and report it to your navigator, which, in turn, calculates the coordinates and links them to the map.

In case the navigation network is permanently located on the surface of the Earth, the navigation system of the aircraft, configured accordingly, will directly read information from the navigation landmarks and refer it with the map. And it still remains to be seen, which is cheaper and more practical: to constantly incur huge expenses for satellite maintenance and infrastructure attendance, or to make one enormous investment to create a system for centuries that does not require maintaining its efficiency.

The matter is that until recently there has been no equipment allowing to instantly recognize small objects on the Earth surface, now there is no problem with this, and the night with clouds is not a hindrance. Therefore, it is quite possible that such an approach to navigation is the future. Imagine what will happen if, for a long time, electricity is lost, for example, electricity or satellites fail.

Having determined your location on the globe with respect to stationary objects, you can lay a route and move over the planet. The problem is that the official version of history that dominates today does not imply any flights in the past, ignoring the numerous testimonies that have come down to us in the form of myths and real artifacts, considering them to be a product of fevered fancy of ancient people.

The Sahara geoglyphs are another clear evidence that ancient people had a more realistic idea of the world than we do, claiming that flights in the past were a fairly common practice.
The navigation version perfectly explains not only the presence of geoglyphs in the lifeless desert, but also their number, unusual shape, method of manufacture and relative position.
Let's take a look at how navigation information can be encoded using the location of individual objects in a certain way.

Below, in the first frame of the animation, one can see a chaotic at first sight location of individual points, very similar to the location of the Sahara geoglyphs. Even connecting points with lines (second frame) does not give much clarity.

And only geometric figures show that the location of the points is not at all chaotically. In the animation below shows a group of points, denoting a conditional group of geoglyphs, the center of which is point G1.

The next two images show how using two points located in a certain way, and the angle of a geometric figure, you can set the direction to the object.

ориентирование при помощи геоглифов

Further on it is shown how, using a certain arrangement of points, it is possible to designate not only the directions to objects, but also the angular distances to them. In this case, point G2 sets the azimuth to the Great Pyramid, and point G5 denotes the angular distance to it.

кодирование расстояний

All this is automatically done by a program, just like in a modern navigator. It only remains, upon arrival on the planet, to download the corresponding map with the location of the reference points. This can be done by scanning the Nazca Plateau geoglyphs, which, apparently, are actually the flat mapping of the location of all the navigation objects of our planet.

Thus, with the help of the mutual arrangement of objects, thanks to their layouts and orientations, using a universal mathematical algorithm, it is possible to encode navigation information. 

QR-codeThe same thing happens when a computer program creates a modern QR code, in which information is encoded with a binary code, using the relative position of black and white squares.

When creating a QR code, you can set the percentage of image loss, the maximum value of which is 70%. The higher the percentage, the more squares the program creates. Therefore, the scanner can read information even from a very worn check. The same principle is most likely used in the Sahara geoglyphs system. If some objects are strewn with sand, then there will be others, - duplicate points. This assumption explains very well the huge number of geoglyphs.

Thus, summing up the above, it is safe to say that we are dealing with another unique phenomenon of antiquity, which is still incomprehensible to our logic and technologically unattainable.

As already mentioned, the uniqueness of the Sahara geoglyphs lies in the impossibility of substantiating their origin within the academic version of history, as well as in the obvious regularities that can be observed in the orientations and mutual arrangement of individual objects.

In addition, there is clear evidence of linking the entire system of geoglyphs to the reference points of the global System of ancient structures. Somehow, unusual geoglyphs are found precisely in those places where the azimuths to the SAMS key points have unique values corresponding to the angles of regular figures.

Until now, though, studies on the detection of regularities in the location of geoglyphs have been done mainly intuitively, without understanding of the general principle of the location of objects. At the moment, at first an unusual geoglyph is detected, for example of a large size, and then it turns out that the azimuths to the SAMS reference objects at this point correspond to the angles of regular geometric shapes.

On grasping the general principle of information coding, it will be possible, observing individual geoglyphs, to find out where the other points and reference objects of the System are located, and accordingly, to determine their location on the globe. Further, it remains only to get the map control of the real area and plot the route.

Ideally, deciphering the coding principle and taking the Great Pyramid meridian as zero, one can try and use the ancient orientation system for the needs of modern navigation. At least, such principles would definitely not be superfluous.

In conclusion, we can say that it’s time for us to stop considering the past as something dark and ignorant. It is simply distorted beyond recognition, and what cannot be distorted is interpreted in the most ridiculous way.

Not only ordinary people, but also professors with academicians, claim in earnest that things that cannot be reproduced on special machines even today, were made, at best, with the help of a copper chisel. Moreover, those few experts who say that it is impossible to build huge objects of ideal stone blocks on an industrial scale with primitive technologies, are accused of being unprofessional on the basis of hole in a stone drilled with a copper tube.

Of course, such an approach does not bring us closer to the answer to the main question for all of humanity - our origin. We still remain restless orphans who don’t know their relationship. Many, of course, were satisfied with their relationship with monkeys, many simply resigned, many are not interested at all, but many still believe in their divine origin. That is, in the creation of people by the Creator, and in the latter these people are certainly right. Humanity is an artificial project launched thousands of years ago.

Today, people are one step away from becoming creators themselves. An artificial cell has already been created, the first simple organisms are digitized successfully. At the moment, one can create a digital copy of a new influenza virus, transfer it via the Internet to the other end of the world, and in 12 hours, a special printer will reproduce the new virus organism of 4 original ingredients, which will make the vaccine.

Artificial intelligence, though in its infancy, has already been created, quantum computers are on the way. The industry of robots that satisfy various human needs is growing at a tremendous pace. Supercomputers are trying to crack the human brain and calculate the behavior of entire countries at the individual level. And this is just the beginning.

The new world has already come, though not all have understood it yet. The old world, with its sentimentality, slowness and many other attributes, is no longer there. There comes a new reality, a hard digital world where everything is to be digitized and taken into account. And this is not some kind of worldwide conspiracy of individuals; it is the laws of management and development of systems. The larger and more complex the system, the more it wants to streamline.

Therefore, the better we understand what happened in the past, the fewer mistakes we may make in the future.