Russia: Temples, Palaces Троице-Сергиева лавра / Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra

Троице-Сергиева лавра.jpg
PHOTO: Максим Яшин 56°18'35.92"С 38° 7'53.59"В

В 1340-х годах Сергий Радонежский основал небольшой общежительный монастырь с деревянным храмом во имя Святой Троицы близ Хотькова, на холме Маковец. В 1355 году в монастыре был введен новый, общежитийный устав. Территория монастыря была разделена на три части — жилую, общественную и оборонительную; игуменом монастыря стал его основатель. План монастыря, установленный тогда, в общих чертах дошёл до наших дней (прямоугольный внутренний двор с церковью и трапезной, окруженный с четырёх сторон кельями). Вскоре Троицкий монастырь стал духовным центром Московских земель, поддержкой московских князей.


Официальный сайт Свято-Троицкой Сергиевой Лавры.



The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monastery is situated in the town of Sergiyev Posad, about 90 km to the north-east from Moscow by the road leading to Yaroslavl, and currently is home to over 300 monks. The monastery was founded in 1345 by one of the most venerated Russian saints, Sergius of Radonezh, who built a wooden church in honour of the Holy Trinity on Makovets Hill. Early development of the monastic community is well documented in contemporary lives of Sergius and his disciples. In 1355, Sergius introduced a charter which required the construction of auxiliary buildings, such as refectory, kitchen, and bakery. This charter was a model for Sergius' numerous followers who founded more than 400 cloisters all over Russia, including the celebrated Solovetsky, Kirilov, and Simonov monasteries. St. Sergius supported Dmitri Donskoi in his struggle against the Tatars and sent two of his monks, Peresvet and Oslyabya, to participate in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). At the outbreak of the battle, Peresvet died in a single combat against a Tatar bogatyr. The monastery was devastated by fire, when a Tatar unit raided the area in 1408. St. Sergius was declared patron saint of the Russian state in 1422.

The same year the first stone cathedral was built by a team of Serbian monks who had found refuge in the monastery after the Battle of Kosovo. The relics of St. Sergius still may be seen in this cathedral, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The greatest icon painters of medieval Russia, Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chyorny, were summoned to decorate the cathedral with frescoes. Traditionally, Muscovite royals were baptized in this cathedral and held thanksgiving services here. In 1476, Ivan III invited several Pskovian masters to build the church of the Holy Ghost. This graceful structure is one of the few remaining examples of a Russian church topped with a belltower. The interior contains the earliest specimens of the use of glazed tiles for decoration. In the early 16th century, Vasily III added the Nikon annex and the Serapion tent, where several of Sergius' disciples were interred.