North America: Petroglyphs, Frescos Капитол-Риф / Capitol Reef

PHOTO: Peter & Shelly 38°17'13.85"С 111°14'48.29"З

Территория парка Капитол-Риф— относительно узкая зона, длинной около 160 км и площадью 979 км². Парк основан в 1971 году. Открыт круглый год, наиболее посещаемый период с мая по сентябрь. Эти петроглифы тысячелетней давности были сфотографированы 16 мая 2010 года в индейском национальном парке Capitol Reef National Park на севере штата Юта. Петроглиф изображает странных существ с рогами или в необычных головных уборах. Возможно это еще одно доказательство теории палеоконтакта.



Fremont culture Native Americans lived near the perennial Fremont River in the northern part of the Capitol Reef Waterpocket Fold around 1000 CE. They irrigated crops of lentils, maize, and squash and stored their grain in stone granaries. In the 13th century, all of the Native American cultures in this area underwent sudden change, likely due to a long drought. The Fremont settlements and fields were abandoned. Many years after the Fremont left, Paiutes moved into the area. These Numic speaking people named the Fremont granaries moki huts and thought they were the homes of a race of tiny people or moki. In 1872 Alan H. Thompson, a surveyor attached to United States Army Major John Wesely Powell's expedition, crossed the Waterpocket Fold while exploring the area. Geologist Clarence Dutton later spent several summers studying the area's geology. None of these expeditions explored the Waterpocket Fold to any great extent, however. It was, as now, incredibly rugged and forbidding.