South America: Geoglyphs Атакамский гигант / Atacama Giant

PHOTO: Joël Fisler 19°56'56.02"Ю 69°38'0.62"З

Геоглиф Гигант Тарапака (Gigante de Tarapaca) расположен недалеко от города Уара в пустыне Атакама. Возраст геоглифа оценивается в 9000 лет. Место расположения “Гиганта Тарапака” является одним из самых сухих на планете, в некоторых местах пустыни дождь ни разу не фиксировали с момента появления письменности.



You can see it by the side of the Unitas hill, 52 miles away from Iquique. It's called the Atacama Giant geoglyph, the world's largest prehistorical anthropomorphic figure. It's 282 feet high and was made with a mixture of stones and soil, almost at the top of the Unitas hill, 52 miles Northeast of Iquique. It is now considered to be the world's largest prehistorical anthropomorphic figure, and resembles the divinity that the area's native cultures used to worship, from the XI to the XV centuries. In its right hand, one sees a giant's crosier, and by its knees there are several decorations made with feathers which go to show his high hierarchy.