On Easter Sunday, 1722, Dutch traveller Jacob Roggeveen, discovered inhabited island mislaid in the ocean with population of about 3 thousand men. Later the island was named - Easter Island. Although the natives called their island otherwise - Mata-ki-te-Raga, which means "the eyes looking in the sky" or Te Pito-of-the-Hen - "navel of the earth." In that these names reflect enough accurately the purpose of the island, we will see in the course of our research.

Today about the island probably know everyone owing to the discovery there many huge stone statues which the locals called Moai. These statues placed in rows on pedestals, are found in various places of island, mostly on the coast. Moai are the main mystery of the island unresolved till now. Nobody knows when, who, how and for what purpose created these sculptural and monumental structures.

Statues of various sizes are scattered throughout the island. There are about a thousand of them and some ones reach a height of 20 m. How they were made and moved is unclear. According to legend of locals Moai "went themselves."

полигональная кладка на острове пасхаExcept for stone statues there are a lot of interesting and mysterious things on the Easter island. For example were found plates with of ancient script – Rongo-Rongo which is not decrypted until now. In the south-western part of the island are found numerous petroglyphs carved on stones. Drawings depict a bird-people the cult of which was developed on the island. Similar images were found in Gobekli Tepe. In addition, on Easter island there are numerous examples of masonry identical polygonal masonry in Saksauamane, Cusco and other places in South America.


ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruLet's try to raise a little mysterious curtain over the Easter Island (EI) and look at it as on the landmark in the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean.

When Moai were constructed and installed on the platform they were a kind of colonnade, in a certain way oriented relatively to the cardinal points. Statues cast away shadows so you can always see them even with a very high height, for example, from space.

One of the biggest platforms with statues is Tongariki platform, it has azimuth of 30 degrees and, therefore, is the axis of hexagram oriented to the cardinal points.

Thus, thanks to the platform Tongariki we have accurate binding of EI to the north direction.

Two more places with placed statues have separate elements orientated according to the angles of pentagram. But we'll talk about it considering the combinations of pentagram.

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruWe will choose clearly distinguishable volcano close to the center of the island as the point on which we will center all azimuths and the centers of figures.

Let's start with the rotation of hexagram on 5 * clockwise. In this position, we get with the error 0.06 azimuth of Nan Madol. It means that the direction to Nan Madol differs from the direction West-East exactly on five degrees.

Also, with the error of 0.29 *, we can determine azimuth of Mecca, which, as we see together with EI and Nan Madol lies almost on the same line.

Consider this combination a little more in detail. The fact is that in the point of Mohenjo-Daro (MD) direction to Easter Island has the same meaning - 275 *. And in the point of Nan Madol Easter Island, Mecca and Mohenjo-Daro lie on the same line.

It is interesting that in the point of Baalbek direction to Mohenjo Daro also has meaning - 95/275 *.

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruIn the point of MD azimuths of Easter island and Uluru located according to hexagram, between them are 30/150 *. Turning the hexagon on 6 * counter-clockwise we see that on the EI the angle between azimuths of MD and Uluru is also close to 30 *. Accuracy is + 0.9 *.

Here we should note one more thing related to azimuth of MD, which is on EI is 84.25 *. Value close to this have azimuths of Easter island and Nazca plateau in the point of Great Pyramid - 264.78 * (84 + 180 = 264). The same meaning has azimuth of Easter island in the point of Stonehenge - 264.82 *. In Mecca azimuth of Nazca has meaning 264.19 * and in St. Petersburg it will the direction to Samaipata - 264.16 *. See. "Azimuths table."

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurning hexagram on 4 * counter-clockwise, we find that azimuths of Vatican and Por Bajin (PB) are perpendicular and the direction to Kailash divide the right angle in the ratio of 30/60 *.

ПIn this case the distance from MD to Kailash is - 18898 km or 169.9 * in angular terms. Thus, Kailash divides half of the circumference between EI and its antipode in a ratio of 10/170 *.

Distance from MD to Vatican and PB differs exactly on 18 * or 1/20 of the entire circumference of the globe.

ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurning hexagram on 17 * counter-clockwise we get another unique combination in which azimuths of Lhasa and the island of Vera are perpendicular and two pairs of objects together with EI lie on the same line and mutually arranged according to the angles of hexagon.

It should be noted here that in the point of Angkor line Angkor -EI –temple of Solomon is one of the axes of hexagram oriented to the cardinal points.

Also, it should be said, that in the point of Lhasa azimuths EI and Sigiriya also located according to hexagram, between them are
120 *. Angkor together with Lhasa and Uluru lie on one line and the direction to the temple of Solomon is the axis of pentagram - 108/288 *oriented to the cardinal points. The angle between azimuths of Angkor and EI is also the angle of pentagram - 54 *.

In the point of Solomon temple direction to Easter Island, Angkor and Mohenjo-Daro practically coincide and are, with a small error, the direction West - East. Sigiriya and the temple of Solomon together with Uluru lie on the same line.

Angkor, temple of Solomon and Easter Island, as it is seen on the image lie almost on the same line. In the point of Angkor divergence of lines even less and is 0.06. At that the line Angkor –temple of Solomon-EI, with the error of 1 degree, is the axis of hexagram oriented along North-South axis. In its turn Lhasa together with Angkor and Uluru lie on the same line.

In the point of Vera island azimuths of St. Petersburg and temple of Solomon located in accordance with pentagram, between them are 72 *. Azimuths of EI and Angkor also lie in the ratio of pentagram.

 ОСТРОВ ПАСХИ. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruIf we turn hexagram on 15 * clockwise we will get another ombination of azimuths of tGreat Pyramid (GP) and Stonehenge, the angle between which is close to 30 *. It is true the error in this case is more than 1 degree and is + 1.17 *.

As it is well known EI, drawings in the Nazca desert and Great Pyramid lie on the same line. And Nazca plateau divides half of the circumference between Great Pyramid and its antipode in the golden section.





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