Mohenjo-Daro (which means "mound of the dead" in translation) is the city of the Indus Valley civilization, which arose, as scientists believe about 2600 BC. The ruins of the city are in the modern Pakistani province of Sindh. Mohenjo-Daro is the largest and the oldest city of the Indus Valley and one of the first cities in the history of South Asia, by contemporary civilization of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Mohenjo-Daro stands out among other centers of Indian civilization almost with perfect regular layout, with using as main building material burnt bricks, and the presence of complex irrigation and places of worship.

In Mohenjo-Daro were discovered if not first famous to archaeologist public toilets and the city sewer system. Part of the lower town area, where commoners settled was flooded with Indus during times and therefore it remains unexplored. Among the buildings of the city attract attention granary "huge pool" for ritual ablutions with area of 83 square meters. m., and built on a hill cliff, "citadel", according to historians, designed for flood protection. Dome of the citadel is a spherical tower and is a perfect landmark, perfectly visible even from space.

The city is a major point of SDMS and interacts with all key objects. Distance from Mohenjo-Daro (MD) to Great Pyramid (GP) is 3610 km, exactly the same one as from GP to Stonehenge. This distance is the basic distance not only of "triangles of Giza", which are formed around GP, but the distance which is very common among many other objects in the system. See article, "SOME FEATURES OF DISTANCES BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL AND HISTORICAL OBJECTS".

Besides, to Mohenjo-Daro is oriented the ancient Mexican pyramid complex - Teotihuacan. The central avenue of this city, "The Road of the Dead" - is the exact direction to Mohenjo-Daro, from which on 30 * is away direction to GP. See article "TEOTIHUACAN. HEXAGRAM".

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruLet”s center hexagram by a spherical dome of citadel and turn it on 13.6 * clockwise. In this position, we get, with the error of 0.03. azimuth of
Great Pyramid and azimuth of Teotihuacan with the error of 0.01 between which are 60 * with the error of 0.04.

Thus, it appears that in Teotihuacan angle between azimuths of GP and Mohenjo-Daro is 30 *, and in Mohenjo-Daro between azimuths of EP and Teotihuacan are 60 *.

As already it mentioned, the distance between GP and MD is 3610 km or 32.3 *. It is exactly 4 times less than the distance between Mohenjo-Daro and Teotihuacan - 14601 km.

The angle in Giza between the directions to Teotihuacan and MD is 224 *. It is 32 times by 7 or vice versa.

Teotihuacán with GP divides half of circle line connecting them in the golden section. See article "LOCATION OF ENCIENT STRUCTURES IN THE GOLDEN SECTION".

This mutual arrangement of three ancient structures cannot be accidental, since even if specifically try to arrange by similar way three points on the sphere, you will have to make complex calculations.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn hexagram on 5 * clockwise. In this position we get the exact direction to Easter Island (EI), the azimuth of which differs from the direction of West - East exactly on 5 degrees.

In this combination azimuth of EI differs from azimuth of Uluru on 30/150 *, with the error of + 0.28 *.

Direction to Uluru, with the error of 0.36 *, is perpendicular to the direction of Por-Bajin.

In this case, the direction to Easter Island is the orientation of Mohenjo-Daro itself.

Also, it should be noted that the basic distance 3600 km connects MD not only with Great Pyramid, but with Por Bajin to which are 3572 km, and with the Plain of Jars in Laos, to which are 3668 km.

Distance from MD to Uluru is - 8902 km, or exactly 80 * along the arc of globe. The same angle between meridians of Uluru and GP. See article "GEODESY OF MERIDIANS".

Many sources claim that MD is the antithesis of Easter island, but it is not so. MD is really quite close to the opposite point of Easter island. But, the error is 2.3 *, which is approximately 250 km.

In the point of MD azimuth of EI is equal to 275 *, i.e. it is direction to the West + 5 *. Exactly the same azimuth, with an error of 0.06 on Easter Island has azimuth of Nan Madol - 135.06 *. But, the most interesting is that in the point of Baalbek azimuth of MD has value 95.01 *, i.e. this direction to the East + 5 *. See "Table of azimuths."

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruAzimuths of Easter island and Tiwanaku in the point of MD differ on 0.89 *. Therefore, if we turn hexagram on 6 * clockwise then, with the error of 0.11 *, its horizontal axis will coincide with the direction to Tiwanaku.

In this case, perpendicular azimuths of Uluru and Port Bajin from previous combinations, also interact with the direction according to Tiwanaku angles of hexagram, with errors less than 1 degree.

Between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Por Bazhyn are 60.25 *, the error is + 0.25 *.
Between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Uluru are 29.39 *, the error is -0.61*.

In this combination, there is a new azimuth of Lalibela, which is separated from Tiwanaku azimuth on 30 *, with the error of -0.57 *. Thus, azimuths of Uluru and Lalibela in the point of MD, with the error 0.04 are symmetric relatively to azimuth of Tiwanaku.

It is interesting, that in the point of Uluru azimuths of MD and Lalibela and located according to pentagram. And in the point of Tiwanaku the angle between the directions to Por Bajin and Lalibela corresponds to the angle of octagon - 67.5 *, and between azimuths of Por Bajin and Uluru are 10 *.

In the point of Por Bajin angle between azimuths of MD and Lalibela corresponds to the angle of pentagram - 18 *, and between azimuths of MD and Uluru are exactly 85 *.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn hexagram on 24 * clockwise. In this position, we get, with the error of 0.18 * coincidence of octagon axis with azimuth of Nan Madol. At the same time azimuth of Holy Mount Kailash is the diagonal of the square, in which is inscribed hexagram. Thus, the angle between two directions is equal to 15 *. Inaccuracy is 0.01.

24 degrees it is 4 times by 6 *. Therefore, if we impose this combination to the previous, axes of hexagram divide the circumference in the ratio of
12 * 18 * 12 *. Accordingly, azimuth of objects in these combinations are also located in this ratio. For example, between azimuths of Nan Madol and Lalibela are18 *, with the error-0.64 *, and between the directions to Kailas and Nan Madol are 15*, because it is 9 + 6 *.

The angles 12 and 18 degrees, resulting in the mutual rotation of two hexagrams are the angles of pentagram - 12 x 3 = 36, 18 x 2 = 36. Therefore, if any from listed above azimuths will participate in combination with other direction according to pentagram, the new azimuth will interact with given combinations.

It is really so, and according to pentagram azimuths of Nan Madol and Lalibela interact with the direction to geoglyphs in Nazca desert. And between the directions to Kailas and Angkor are 36 *. See The following article "MOHENJO-DARO PENTAGRAM."

This case demonstrates how we can express geometrically one correct figure - hexagram through another one- pentagram. You can see it on the interactive map at the end of this page, having included simultaneously all listed combinations.

It should be noted that in the point of Nan Madol, azimuth of Kailas also corresponds to hexagram, oriented to the cardinal points, and is equal to 300.28. *

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruLet”s make one more turn clockwise. This time approximately on 2.5 * from north-south axis. In such position it is clearly seen that the angle between azimuths of St. Petersburg and Vatican is close to 30 *.

The exact angle is 29.3 *, the error is -0.7 *.

It is interesting, that in Vatican the direction to MD is the direction to the East, with the error of 0.15.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNext, we will rotate hexagram counter-clockwise. Turning hexagram on 4 * counter-clockwise we get, with the error0.07, azimuth of Great Zimbabwe and azimuth of Sigiriya with the error of 0.03. The angle between these directions is 75.1 *, i.e. 60 * + 15 *.

Here is another interesting point. We mentioned above that in the point of MD azimuths of GP and Teotihuacan divide half of circle in the ratio of 60/120 *. Similarly, in the same ratio azimuths of MD and Teotihuacan divide half of circumference in the point of Great Zimbabwe (GZ).

But the most amazing thing is that in the point of Sigiriya azimuths of MD and Great Zimbabwe are perpendicular and interact with azimuth of Teotihuacan also in accordance with hexagram oriented to the cardinal points.

In addition, the line MD - GZ is the most important line of Giza Triangles, and the distance between these objects is 6618 km, or 59.5 * on the arc of globe, i.e. close to 60 *. This means that the circle passing through the points of MD and GZ, these ancient cities also divide in the proportion of hexagram. See article "HEXAGRAM IN THE LOCATION OF PYRAMIDS AND OTHER MTGALITIC STRUCTURES."

It is interesting that up to Sigiriya from MD are 2523 km, or 22.8 * on the arc of globe. This means that with the error of 0.3 * Sigiriya and MD divide their large circle in the ratio of octagon.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruIf you turn hexagram on12 * counter-clockwise, then, with the error of 0.1 *, we obtain azimuth of Vatican, which in this case is the diagonal of the square, in which is inscribed hexagon, and with the inaccuracy of 0.04 azimuth of Lhasa.

The angle between these directions is close to 45* and is equal to 45.14 *. Therefore, this combination we shall see when rotating octagon.

МОХЕНДЖО-ДАРО. ГЕКСАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruFinally, turning to the hexagram 15 * counter-clockwise, we find that the angle between azimuths of Stonehenge and Angkor is close to 30 * with the error of + 0.14 *.

Distance from MD to Angkor is 4016 km or 36.1 * on the arc of globe. This means that Angkor divides the distance between MD and its antipode in the ratio of pentagram. See article "PENTAGRAM IN THE ARRANGEMENT OF KEY POINTS OF SDMS."

In the point of MD azimuth of Stonehenge is 315.22. * Almost the same value - 135.56 * has azimuth of Mecca in the point of Great Pyramid, and the azimuth of Samaipata (135.55 *) and Asuka (135.88 *) in the point of Teotihuacan.


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