Orient octagon along the North-South axis. In such position it is clearly seen that azimuth of Nan Madol, as well as the directions to Nazca and Lhasa are close to the angles of octagon.

Nan Madol, with accuracy of + 0.28 *, Lhasa with accuracy of + 0.82 * Nazca is so great that it is difficult to talk about the errors.

Note that in Nazca Desert angles between azimuth of Stonehenge and azimuths of Nan Madol and Lhasa are close to 50 *. In the point of Nan Madol the direction to Lhasa is the axis of hexagram oriented to the cardinal points.

СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ОКТАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurn octagon on 5 * counter-clockwise. In this position, with the error of -0.18 *, octagon axis coincides with the direction to Easter island, relatively to which azimuths of Tiwanaku and Baalbek are symmetrical. Accordingly, the angle between the directions is close to 45 *.

The exact angle is - 45.38 *, the error is + 0.38 *.

There is an interesting point in the distances up to the objects of this combination. If from the distance out of Stonehenge to Easter island, which is - 13490 km, subtract the distance to the Tiwanaku - 9890 km, we will find the distance to Baalbek - 3598 km. This distance is the basic in the triangles of Giza and it links many historical objects.

In Tiwanaku direction to Baalbek has azimuth 59.31 * and is the axis of hexagram - 60/120 * oriented to the cardinal points. The direction to Stonehenge is pentagram axis oriented to the North. The direction to Easter island is the axis of octagon oriented to the cardinal points.

In the point of Baalbek azimuths of Stonehenge, Tiwanaku and Easter island located according to nonagon multiply to 10 *.

On Easter island azimuths of Stonehenge and Baalbek also located according to under the octagon oriented to the cardinal points.

Such mutual disposition can not be accidental, and means only one thing - all the objects were erected in strictly defined parts of the planet according to the single initial plan.

СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ОКТАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn octagon on 5 * clockwise. In this position, with accuracy of + 0.14 *, we will obtain azimuth of Uluru and with a little more error + 0.73 * azimuth of Great Pyramid (GP).

The angle between these directions is close to 45* and is equal to - 45.75*.

In this combination, the line of Stonehenge - GP gives network of Giza triangles and the line of Stonehenge - Uluru connects them with western triangles.

As we remember in the point of GP Stonehenge azimuth is 320.38 *, i.e. corresponds to the angle of nonagon oriented to the cardinal points. In this case, azimuth of Uluru is 108.23 * corresponds to pentagram oriented to North-South axis.

In the point of Uluru angle between azimuths of Stonehenge and GP is 24 *, with accuracy of + 0.18 *, i.e. is 1/15 of the entire circumference.

СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ОКТАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruTurn octagon on 6.5 * clockwise. In this position azimuth of St. Petersburg, with accuracy of 0.02, will be a diagonal of the square, which is inscribed in octagon.

Between azimuths of St. Petersburg and Kailash are 22.5 * also with the error of 0.02.

With greater accuracy, but less than 1 degree, to this combination is inscribed azimuth of GP, which differs from azimuth of Kailash on 44.23 *.

Azimuth of Kailash differs from azimuth of Uluru from the previous combination on 1.64 *, so the direction to GP presents in both cases, as if dividing this error in half.

But this combination is interesting because St. Petersburg lies in the intersection of 60th latitude with meridian of GP, and divides, thus, the distance between GP and the North Pole in half. The distance from Stonehenge to St. Petersburg is 2222 miles, or exactly 20 degrees in angular terms.

Distance up to Kailash is 62.3 * or 6932 km, the distance to GP, as we remember, is 3600 km, or 32.3 *. Therefore, the difference in the distances from Stonehenge to Kailash and GP is exactly 30 *, or 3333 km.

In St. Petersburg the angle between azimuths of Stonehenge and GP is 80 * with the error -0.29 *. The angle between azimuths of Stonehenge and Kailash is close to 30 *, but the error is almost 1degree -0.97 *.

In the point of Kailash, the direction to Stonehenge is the diagonal of the square, oriented to the cardinal points, i.e. it differs from the direction to the North on 45 *. The angle between azimuths of St-Petersburg and GP in the point of Kailas, also corresponds to octagon and is equal to 44.27 *, the error is -0.73 *. But in this case the angle is exactly equal to the angle between the GP and Kailas in this combination.

In the point of GP between azimuths of Kailash and Stonehenge are 65 *, with accuracy of + 0.11 *..

СТОУНХЕНДЖ. ОКТАГОН. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта МЕГАЛИТЫ ориентация © GeoLines.ruHaving turned octagon on 17.5 *, we will get the combination of 3 azimuth Teotihuacan, Easter island (EI) and Ushtogaysky square (US), which are located according to octagon.

Between azimuths of Teotihuacan and the US are 44.73 * the error is-0.27 *. The angle between azimuths of Teotihuacan and EI is 23.03 *, the error is + 0.53 *.

In Teotihuacan the direction to Stonehenge is the axis of nonagon, oriented to the cardinal points, and on Easter Island is the diagonal of the square, i.e. of octagon, oriented to the North-South axis.





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