Orient pentagram along North-South axis, i.e. along the meridian of Teotihuacan, on which, as we know, are also Kailas and Sigiriya (See. article "KAILASDH AND SYSTEM OF PYRAMIDS"). Therefore, the direction to the North in Teotihuacan, is the direction to Kailash, with the error of -0.17 * and to Sigiriya, with the error of + 0.85 *.

There is another very interesting moment related to Mexican pyramids and sacred mountain-pyramid in Tibet. Distance from Teotihuacan to Kailash is 14387 km or
129.4 *, i.e. almost 130 * along the arc of globe. Therefore, Kailash divides half of meridian between Teotihuacan and its antipode in the ratio of 50/130 *. From the article "GEODESY OF MERIDIANS" we know that the angular distance between the meridian of Great Pyramid (GP) and the meridian of Teotihuacan is 130 *. Therefore, the meridians of GP and of Teotihuacan divide half of the equator also in the ratio of 50/130 *.

Besides, we see that the axis of pentagram, oriented to the cardinal points having value 144/324 * coincide with the line Angkor - Teotihuacan - Nazca.

It is interesting that in the point of Kailash the angle between directions to Nazca and Sigiriya is close to 120 *.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruSuperpose the vertical axis of pentagram with the direction to Sigiriya. To do this turn pentagon approximately on 0.9 * clockwise. In this position we will get an unique combination of 8 azimuths, which are located around Teotihuacan according to the angles of pentagram.

In this position, the direction to Samaipata is diagonal of the square in which is inscribed pentagram. As we have determined by rotation of hexagram the direction to GP to which is close the direction to Mecca, with the small error is perpendicular to azimuth of Samaipata. Therefore, the direction to GP is the second diagonal of a square.

Between azimuths of Sigiriya and Uluru are 108 * with the error is -0.49 *. Between azimuths of Angkor and Samaipata are 8.7 * the error is-0.3 *. The difference between azimuths of Angkor and Uluru is 70.9 * the error is + 0.9 *. Between azimuths of Uluru and Samaipata are 117.79 * the error is
+ 0.79 *.

It should be noted that in the point of Kailash azimuths of Uluru and Samaipata are located according to hexagram in the ratio
of 30/150 *. And between the directions to Uluru and Angkor are 9 degrees, with the error of -0.24 *. Directions to Nazca and Samaipata lines also distributed according to pentagram, between them are 18 *, with the error of -0.13 *. See article "KAILASH. PENTAGRAM."

Also in the point of Kailash azimuths and Angkor are located according to the angles of octagon, between them are 22.5 *, with the error of + 0.81 *.

In the point of Uluru the direction to the Nazca lines has azimuth 144.63 *, i.e. practically the same as in this case.
Between azimuths of Nazca and GP are 30 *, with the error of 0.19 *.

In the point of Samaipata the angle between the azimuths Teotihuacan and Nazca is 30 degrees with accuracy of 0.06.
Between azimuths of GP and Sigiriya are 40 * with the error -0.56 *.

In Angkor azimuths of GP, Samaipata and Nazca are located multiply to10 *.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruIf you turn pentagram on 3.6 * clockwise, then, with the error 0.06 the direction to Tiwanaku will be a diagonal in which will be inscribed pentagram. As it is seen on the image the directions to Stonehenge and Baalbek coincide with the axis of pentagon. Consequently, the angle between azimuths of Tiwanaku and Stonehenge together with Baalbek is close to 99 *.

In case of Stonehenge the exact angle is - 99.33 *, the error is + 0.33 *.
In case of the Baalbek exact angle is - 99.7 *, the error is + 0.7 *.

It is interesting that in the point of Tiwanaku the angle between azimuths of Teotihuacan and Baalbek is exactly the same as in this case - 99.76 *.

In Baalbek the angle between the directions to Tiwanaku and Stonehenge is equal to 50 * with the error 0.18 *.

In Stonehenge azimuths of Tiwanaku, Baalbek and Easter island are located according to the angles of octagon.

ТЕОТИУАКАН. ПЕНТАГРАММА. СИСТЕМА ПИРАМИД АЗИМУТ КООРДИНАТЫ НАВИГАЦИЯ меридиан широта ориентация © GeoLines.ruNow turn pentagram on 8.5 * counterclockwise. In this position one of the axes of pentagram, with accuracy 0.05 coincides with azimuth of Samaipata to which, as we know, is perpendicular azimuth of GP.

As it is seen on the image azimuth of Great Zimbabwe (GZ) divides the right angle between GP and Samaipata in the ratio 36/54 *.

Between azimuths of GZ and Samaipata are 35.79 * with the error -0.21*.
Between azimuths of GZ and the direction to park of Asuka are 36.12 * ,the error is
+ 0.12 *. Between azimuths of GZ and GP are 54.51 the error is +0.51 *.

It should be noted here that in Great Zimbabwe the angle between the directions to GP and the park of Asuka is 60 * wherein hexagram is oriented to the cardinal points.

If in the point of GZ along the cardinal points orient pentagram, then the direction to the North will be direction to GP, and the direction to Samaipata will be axis –
72/108 *.


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